BTPOA:  Bent Tree Property Owners' Association, Inc.

Purpose.  To promote the common good and general welfare of the ownership interests and administration and enforcement of the Bent Tree Water Augmentation Plan.  more...

Welcome.  14 September 2006 slide presentation with notes by John Heiser, past President, Board of Directors.

Basic Documents.
 - Articles of Incorporation
 (pdf file, free reader)
 - Bylaws
(Version 3, 2/12/09.  Archive: version 2)
 - Declarations of Protective Covenants
 - Rules and Regulations  (pdf file, Version 12, 1/12/14.  Red-line edition showing changes from Version 11.  Archive of previous versions)
 - Colorado Water Court Decrees (pdf files): Bent Tree Filings 1, 2, 3, 4a, 5 (All lots except 197- 232); Bent Tree Filing 4b (Lots 197 - 232)

Membership.  Every person or entity who is a record owner of a numbered lot in Bent Tree.  more...

Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors manage the affairs of the association.  more...

Meetings.  There are an annual membership meeting, an annual budget meeting, and special meetings called by the Board.  Voting quorum is 15% of 257 lots (39 or more lot owners at the meeting).  more...

Dues.  Annual dues are $120 payable on January 1st; penalty applies for late payment.  more...

Financial Information and Budget.  Click here for the budget information presented at the annual membership and annual budget meetings and financial reviews.

Committees.  Committees allow association members to serve in capacities that interest them; committees disperse the work of managing Bent Tree.  Examples include Welcoming, Forestry, Beautification and Trails, Covenant Compliance.  more from Bylaws...  Committee descriptions and points of contact...

Architectural Control Committee.  A member-elected committee which operates pursuant to the covenants rather than Board supervision.  more...

Insurance.  BTPOA carries insurance for the Association and individuals acting on its behalf.  Certificate of Insurance.

Contacting the BTPOA.  Contacts page

NEPCO.  BTPOA is a member of Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Associations (NEPCO).

Colorado Senate Bill 05-100 about governance and operations of community association. Article in July/August 2005 Bent Tree Log.

We need you!  Please serve your neighborhood and association.  If everyone pulls a little time then association leadership is improved by the diversity and fresh energy more people bring.  Contact any of the Board member or committee chair to explore where you can help.

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