Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting DRAFT Agenda
TUESDAY, June 20, 2017
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Members Present: Greg Davis, Mark Weidner, Matt Dunston, Paul
Baker, Chris Mettes.
Meeting commenced at 6:42pm.
1) Approval of the agenda
Motion to approve
agenda by Paul, seconded by Mark, unanimously approved.
2) Excuse absences, if any
All board members
3) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
Eric Hammersby addressed the board asking permission to hold an
“All Bent Tree” neighborhood party, tentatively on August 5th from
5pm until 8pm, on the Embassy Court cul-de-sac.
He has already discussed limiting street access at that time with the
residents of Embassy Court and has their approval. The board had no objection, and in fact has
no jurisdiction in such matters. Eric
will arrange to use the BTPOA email list to announce the party to all BTPOA residents.
4) ACC Report
Matt discussed
activities including new garages, decks, and sheds.
Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: Paul Baker, Chair
Paul reported that the Scottswood Entrance renovation has been completed. He also discussed payments for mowing.
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: Greg Davis, Chair
No report.
c) Covenant Compliance: Mark Weidner, Chair
Mark and Matt
reported on recent activities.
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: Matt Dunston, Chair
Matt reported
that the yellow water usage cards are to be mailed out soon.
e) Forest Management: Mark Weidner, Chair
Mark reported
that he continues to contact residents identified in the forest inspection
report as having problem trees. All contacts will be completed by the end of
f) Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison Paul Baker – Herb Wetzel, Chair
No report.
g) Welcoming: BOD Liaison Greg Davis – Chuck Loeffler, Chair
Read Chuck’s
email report of monthly activities.
6) Review/approve prior board meeting minutes, if available
Motion to approve
minutes from May board meeting by Mark, seconded by Paul, unanimously approved.
7) Treasurer’s Report
a) Current Financial Report
Matt distributed the financial
update to the board for review.
b) Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any
There was a question about the
$141 charge by Hartford Insurance and it was removed from the invoice
list. A charge of $2,925 for mowing and
monument renovation by the grounds keeping company was added. Motion to approve amended financial update
and pay outstanding bills by Mark, seconded by Greg, unanimously approved.
8) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Regular board meetings (3rd
TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): July
18th, August 15th, September 12th (September
meeting advanced one week because of Annual BTPOA Meeting on September 14th.)
9) Any other business
10) Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 7:46pm
by Greg.
Minutes prepared by Chris
Mettes June 24, 2017.