Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

TUESDAY, January 17, 2017

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument




Members Present: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Paul Baker

Meeting commenced at 6:54 p.m.


1)         Approval of the agenda

Motion to approve the agenda by Paul, seconded by Matt, unanimously approved.

2)         Excuse absences, if any

Mark Weidner, Chris Mettes

3)         Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda

Resident Steve Fuhrman expressed concern about a covenant compliance issue regarding one property.

4)         ACC Report

Report by Matt.  No activity for the month

5)         Steve Fuhrman presented a letter and recommendation to the board for recommendations for getting information on renters and disseminating information to renters: There are possibly 31 lots with 27 owners using non-Bent Tree addresses.  The board reviewed letters by Chuck Loeffler to be sent out.  Motion to approve the three letters by Matt, seconded by Greg, unanimously approved.

6)         Discussed contacting owners who currently receive annual meeting documents via mail to encourage them to switch to email delivery: Sample email was reviewed, discussed and approved by board.

7)         Discussed budget for 2017, and donation to Friends of Black Forest: Line item changes were made to the proposed budget with a reserve item placed in the budget for a donation to Friends of Black Forest.

8)         Discussed Scottswood entrance monument maintenance/remodeling:  It was agreed to met with a landscape contractor in the spring to reduce the size of the gravel area and add additional rock features.

9)         News on NEPCO meeting: Matt read Chris Mettes  notes from the January 7th NEPCO meeting.


10)     Committee Reports, if any

a)      Beautification, Trails & Roads:  Paul Baker, Chair

Paul visited all of the entrance monuments and most of the trail sections and shared his written recommendations for improvements.

b)      Communications, Directory & Web Site:  Greg Davis, Chair

No report.

c)       Covenant Compliance:  Mark Weidner, Chair

No Report.

d)      Engineering & Water Augmentation:  Matt Dunston, Chair

Report by Matt. Water use report was submitted at the end of November.

e)       Forest Management:  Mark Weidner, Chair

No comments.

f)        Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison Paul Baker – Herb Wetzel, Chair

No comments.

g)      Welcoming:  BOD Liaison Greg Davis – Chuck Loeffler, Chair

Greg read the written report from Chuck detailing new resident visits.

11)     Review/approve prior board meeting minutes, if available

To approve minutes next month.

12)     Treasurer’s Report

a)      Current Financial Report

Financial update distributed by Matt.

b)      Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any

Motion to approve financial update and pay outstanding bills by Greg, seconded by Matt, unanimously approved.

13)     Future Meeting Schedule:

a)      Regular board meetings (3rd TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Feb 21st, Mar 20th, April 17th, May 15th, June 19th

Note date changes: Board meetings Dec 20th, Jan 17th, Feb 14th (before annual budget meeting), Mar 21st, Apr 18th, May 16th, Jun 20th.

b)      Annual Budget meeting – Thursday, February 23, 2017 at the Woodmoor Barn.

BTPOA Annual Budget Meeting to be Thursday February 23rd.  Announcements to be sent out to all BTPOA members.

14)     Review to make sure annual dues billing is sent out by 12/10/16

Working with Marla to send out dues billing.  Using email notices as much as possible to save on office and USPS costs.

15)     Any other business


16)     Summary of action items


17)     Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. by Greg.



Minutes prepared by Paul Baker February 3, 2017.