Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
TUESDAY, November 15, 2016
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Present: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Mark Weidner, Paul Baker, Chris Mettes
commenced at 6:35 p.m.
1) Approval of the agenda
Motion to approve the agenda by Matt, seconded by Mark,
unanimously approved.
2) Excuse absences, if any
None. All board members present.
3) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
A few property
owners present to hear remarks from guest speaker.
4) ACC Report
Report by
Matt. Approved wall installation on Scottswood backing up to Hwy 105.
5) Terrance Stokka of the Friends of the Black Forest Preservation Plan: To discuss their plans with regard to protecting Dawson aquifer water, arriving about 7:00pm
Background information on aquifers given by Matt Dunston. Then Terry Stokka spoke on the topic of the Cherokee Water District’s
plans and the impact on the Black Forest area.
He answered various questions from the board members and residents. Board will differ discussion of possible
contribution to FBFPP until after February BTPOA Budget Meeting.
6) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: Paul Baker, Chair
Paul reviewed his written
monthly report including transition meeting with Deb Guillan,
meeting with contracted groundskeeper, day and night visits to various
monuments, review of trails, and research into possible solar lighting for
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: Greg Davis, Chair
Report by Greg. Motion to approve $200 cost to add renters information to BTPOA website by Matt, seconded by
Mark, unanimously approved.
c) Covenant Compliance: Mark Weidner, Chair
Report by Mark. Issues continue
to be resolved by personal contact. One letter going out to a property owner concerning a longer term
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: Matt Dunston, Chair
Report by Matt. Water use cards
coming in with good progress. Water use
report due the end of November.
e) Forest Management: Mark Weidner, Chair
No comments.
f) Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison Paul Baker – Herb Wetzel, Chair
Report by Paul. Progress
on replacing Neighborhood Watch signs and leaning signs.
g) Welcoming: BOD Liaison Greg Davis – Chuck Loeffler, Chair
Written report from
Chuck detailing new resident visits.
7) Review/approve prior board meeting minutes, if available
Motion to approve minutes from October board meeting by Matt,
seconded by Greg, unanimously approved.
8) Treasurer’s Report
a) Current Financial Report
Financial update distributed by
b) Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any
Motion to
approve financial update and pay outstanding bills by Mark, seconded by Paul,
unanimously approved.
9) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Regular board meetings (3rd TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Nov 15th, Dec 20th, Jan 16th, Feb 14th, Mar 20th, April 17th, May 15th, June 19th
Note date changes: Board meetings Dec 20th, Jan 17th,
Feb 14th (before annual budget meeting), Mar 21st, Apr 18th,
May 16th, Jun 20th.
b) Annual Budget meeting – Thursday, February 16, 2017 at the Woodmoor Barn.
BTPOA Annual
Budget Meeting to be Thursday February 16th. Announcements to be sent out to all BTPOA members.
10) Review to make sure annual dues billing is sent out by 12/10/16
Working with Marla to send out
dues billing. Using email notices as
much as possible to save on office and USPS costs.
11) Any other business
12) Summary of action items
Matt to do write-up on Cherokee
Water District’s plans and Friends of the Black Forest Preservation Plan
attempt to look at long term solutions and fund raising. This write-up to be eventually distributed to
all BTPOA members via email after board review.
13) Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20
p.m. by Greg.
Minutes prepared by Chris Mettes November 18, 2016.