Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2016

Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room

The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:45 PM.

Board Members present: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Deb Guillan, Mark Weidner, Brandon Ware

Approval of the Agenda: Matt Dunston made a motion to approve the agenda as written. The motion was seconded by Mark, and approved unanimously.

ACC Report: Matt reported that a new home will be approved for building.

Committee Reports:

Beautification, Trails & Roads: Deb reported that the trail top just below Viscount has had some rain damage and will be repaired as time allows.

Communications: Greg reported no new information available on the Web Site.

Covenant Compliance: Three Variances for parking were presented. Two passed. The third variance will have the ACC go look at the property. Several resident concerns are being addressed.

Mark discussed opportunities to communicate with residents for resolution of complaints. Greg presented the HOA responsibility and process for addressing complaints.

Engineering and Water Augmentation: Matt reported that Renae Pollock has been working with Marla on the water cards input for the November Water Report.

Forest Management: Mark presented that one homeowner was concerned about the condition of his young trees. Mark referred him to a specialist to answer that question.

Neighborhood Watch: No report.

Welcoming: Deb Guillan presented Chuck Loeffler’s Welcome Committee Report. Increased sales in recent weeks indicates many new homeowners for Bent Tree POA and the Welcoming committee. Chuck has welcomed four new homeowners this month. Deb reported that homes are selling well.

.Board meeting minutes: Minutes of the May Board Meeting were presented. Matt made a motion to accepted May Board Meeting minutes with corrections. Mark Seconded. Unanimous approval.

Review proposal for Trail Work: Matt Dunston will get with Ignacio to get the trail started at the upper Colonial Park starting point. Mark will help with getting the breeze material delivered. Brandon will take his skid loader and level the trail from Colonial Park to Roller Coaster Rd..

Treasurers Report: A Motion to pay the bills due in June was made by Matt Dunston. Seconded by Mark. Unanimous approval.

Future Meeting Schedule: Regular Board Meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District): July 19th, August16th. September 13th, October 18th.

Homeowners Meeting-September 22nd.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan, June 14th Approved by the Board August 16, 2016