Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2016
Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room
The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:38 PM.
Board Members present: Greg Davis, Deb Guillan, Mark Weidner, Brandon Ware
A motion was made by Brandon Ware to approve Matt Dunston’s Absence. Seconded by Mark. Unanimous approval.
Approval of the Agenda: Deb Guillan made a motion to approve the agenda as written. The motion was seconded by Matt, and approved unanimously.
ACC Report: One Re-roof was approved.
Committee Reports:
Beautification, Trails & Roads: Dole will begin mowing within the next two weeks as weather allows. The 14 Cornerstones will be mowed and sprayed for weeds. Mowing on roads sides 4 feet .
Communications: No new communication with web builder since last month.
Covenant Compliance: Mark Weidner reported there will be communication by certified letter if complaints can’t be communicated in person.
Engineering and Water Augmentation: Water cards have been sent out in past day.
Forest Management: No report or discussion.
Neighborhood Watch: No report.
Record Keeping: No report or discussion.
Welcoming: Deb Guillan presented Chuck Loeffler’s Welcome Committee Report. Increased sales in recent weeks indicates many new homeowners for Bent Tree POA and the Welcoming committee.
.Board meeting minutes: Minutes of the April Board Meeting were presented.
Mark Weidner made a motion to accepted April Board Meeting minutes with corrections. Brandon Seconded. Unanimous approval.
Review proposal for Trail Work: Matt Dunston will get with Ignacio to determine when the work can begin on the test strip for the Trail improvement. Matt will work with Mark Weidner on ordering the rock road Breeze material.
Treasurers Report: A Motion to pay the bills due in May was made by Deb Guillan. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous approval.
Future Meeting Schedule: Regular Board Meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District): June 21, July 19th, August16th. September 13th,
Homeowners Meeting-September 22nd.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 P.M.
Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan, June 14th Approved by the Board , June 28, 2016