Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
April19, 2016
Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room
The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:40 PM.
Board Members present: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Deb Guillan, Mark Weidner, Brandon Ware
Approval of the Agenda: Mark Weidner made a motion to approve the agenda as written. The motion was seconded by Matt, and approved unanimously.
ACC Report: Matt Dunston stated that a re-roof was approved & a garage build was approved.
Committee Reports:
Beautification, Trails & Roads: No Report
Communications: The Domain name for Bent Tree was purchased.
Covenant Compliance: Mark Weidner reported a tour has been conducted & some concerns being addressed.
Engineering and Water Augmentation: No Report.
Forest Management: No report or discussion.
Neighborhood Watch: Deb Guillan reported that NEPCO had invited our watch captain to the upcoming meeting.
Record Keeping: No report or discussion.
Welcoming: Deb Guillan presented Chuck Loeffler’s Welcome Committee Report.
.Board meeting minutes: Minutes of the February Board Meeting and Budget Meeting Minutes presented.
Deb Guillan made a motion to accepted March Board Meeting minutes. Matt Seconded. Unanimous approval.
Trail Improvement Bid & Landscaping Bid Presentation: Deb and Matt updated the board on the second bid. The discussion ensued over time, resources & how much of the trail could be addressed. A motion was made to start the trail with $1,000 limit on material & labor, a 300 ft. length. Greg made a first. Matt seconded. Unanimous approval.
.Website Presentation: Greg reported on the web site creation & communication with Crazy Good Marketing, the website builders.
Treasurer’s Report: Matt Dunston presented the treasurer’s Report. Matt made a motion to pay bills for March. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous Approval
Future Meeting Schedule: Regular Board Meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District): June 21, July 19th, August 16th. September 13th,
Homeowners Meeting-September 22nd.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00, by Matt Dunston. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous Approval.
Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan May 15th Approved by the Board May 17, 2016