Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2016
Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room
The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:42 PM.
Board Members present: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Deb Guillan, Mark Weidner
A motion was made by Matt, seconded by Mark to excuse Brandon’s absence was unanimous.
Approval of the Agenda: Matt Dunston made a motion to approve the agenda as written. The motion was seconded by Mark, and approved unanimously.
ACC Report: Matt Dunston stated that a new home is approved to be built, by Builder Briese. One request for a fence approval.
Committee Reports:
Beautification, Trails & Roads: No Report
Communications: No Report or Discussion.
Covenant Compliance: One complaint being addressed with homeowner.
Engineering and Water Augmentation: More information requested from State Water Engineer. Matt sent the required documentation.
Forest Management: No report or discussion.
Neighborhood Watch: No report or discussion.
Record Keeping: No report or discussion.
Welcoming: Deb Guillan presented Chuck Loeffler’s Welcome Committee report.
.Board meeting minutes: Minutes of the February Board Meeting and Budget Meeting Minutes presented.
Matt made a motion to accepted Feb. Board Meeting minutes with Corrections. Unanimous approval. Minutes for the Annual Budget Meeting were presented. Corrections & Additions made for later presentation to Homeowners, in September.
Trail Improvement Bid & Landscaping Bid Presentation: Deb present Dole Grebenik’s Bids
A motion was made by Greg to approve the Landscaping Bid. Seconded by Mark. Unanimous approval.
The Trail Bid was discussed. It was thought that we need one more bid for comparison.
.Website Presentation: Mark Weidner presented the website opportunities from “Crazy Good Marketing”, a company he is familiar with. A discussion ensued with questions on format etc.
All Board Members will meet March 22, 2016 to conference call with this company. Greg made a motion to approve buying the domain name from Go Daddy. Seconded by Mark. Unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Matt Dunston presented the treasurer’s Report. Greg made a motion to pay bills for February. Seconded by Mark. Unanimous Approval
Future Meeting Schedule: Regular Board Meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District): April 19th, May 17th, June 21, July 19th, August16th.
Nepco Meeting Summary-Deb presented a brief summary of Nepco Meeting, Sat. 12th.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30, by Matt Dunston. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous Approval.
Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan March 16th Approved by the Board April 18th