Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2015
Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room
The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:46 PM.
Board members present: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Patrick Quinlan, Deb Guillan & Mark Weidner.
Approval of the Agenda: Matt made a motion to approve the agenda as written. The motion was seconded by Mark. Unanimous approval
Resident Remarks: None
ACC Report: Matt Dunston gave this report indicating roof replacement and tree thinning were approved.
Committee Reports:
Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liason Deb Guillan gave report a work day is planned for Oct. 14th. Matt has removed all downed trees from cornerstones. Matt reported on completed Cornerstone Project at Colonial Park. Completed and on budget.
Communications: No Report or discussion.
Covenant Compliance: Mark gave a reported a tree concern, one split by lightening or wind. Matt will follow up.
Engineering and Water Augmentation: Matt reported the final work is done on the Detention ponds. Some water cards remain outstanding, needed prior to report for Nov. Greg will present a photos of the detention ponds and clean up at the upcoming HOA meeting.
Forest Management: Mark will present a report at the upcoming HOA Member Meeting.
Neighborhood Watch: No report or discussion.
Welcoming: Deb presented Chuck’s report. Renae will present the yearly report at the upcoming Members meeting in Chuck’s absence.
.Board meeting minutes: Minutes for the August board meeting were presented. Patrick approved. Seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Matt presented the Cornerstone Improvement was completed at the budgeted amount. He indicated there may be a bank change for the Property Association Account.
Matt made a motion to change from Wells Fargo Bank to Integrity Bank. Patrick seconded this motion. Unanimous Approval.
A motion to pay Marla’s hours & reimburse Deb Guillan for the state HOA Registration fee was made by Greg & Seconded by Matt. Unanimous Approval.
Final Plans for Annual Homeowner’s Meeting-September 17th.Future Meeting Schedule:
Annual Homeowners Meeting: Thursday, September 17th, 6:30 P.M., Woodmoor Improvement Association Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Drive.
Regular Board Meetings : 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District; July 21st, Aug 18th,Sept. 8th, Oct. 20, Nov. 17th, & Dec.15th. Jan. 19th. Feb 9th.
Motion to Adjourn, made by Deb. Seconded by Mark. Unanimous Approval 8:34 P.M.
Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan Sept. 10, 2015 Approved by the Board, October 18, 2015