Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

June 16, 2015

  Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room


The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:35 PM.


Board members present:  Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Deb Guillan, Patrick Quinlan & Mark Weidner.

Homeowners:  Linda and Pete Hoyt



Approval of the Agenda:  Matt Dunston made a motion to approve the agenda as written.  The motion was seconded by Patrick, and approved unanimously.


Appointment of Board Member:   Matt Dunston made a motion to accept Mark Wiedner as the Board Appointee to fill the vacancy from Chuck Loeffler’s resignation.  Greg seconded the motion.  Unanimous Approval.


Security Presentation:   Herb Wetzel presented a security camera, “RING”, smart phone friendly, easy to install at the front door location.  Records a video of activity at the front door. Herb’s presentation is in response to recent Sheriff Dept.  requests for videos of unusual activity.


Stolen Mail & Identity Theft:  Greg reported a recent concern of stolen mail and Identity theft.

He indicated people were using the homeowner’s credit cards, ordering items and having them delivered to that homeowner address.  Following the delivery truck and taking the items off the porch.  Locked mail boxes was brought up as a safe measure for mail theft by Patrick.


Board E Mail Voting Chain:   Greg will draft voting emails.  All Board members should respond with vote and send to &


Engineering and Water Augmentation Committee-Matt Dunston will take on this committee chair position.  Standing water has been noted in many of the detention ponds. Greg & Matt will determine what is needed to improve the drainage.

A motion was made by Greg and seconded by Matt, to hire day labor, not to exceed $500.00, to get the detention ponds cleared and draining.


ACC Report:  ACC Report by Matt, indicates fencing approval, tree removal approval & a cement driveway approval.  Cornerstone work will begin when the weather issues are resolved.


Committee Reports:


Beautification, Trails & Roads:  The trails are doing okay after the rain.  Some work needs to be addressed.  The Cornerstone cleanup and mow has gone well with Dole Grebenek’s work.  Bill Uhde has completed his first Brush Hog of each homeowner front.  Dole Grebenek Mowing was given the contract to maintain cornerstones and mow the walking paths, unanimously in late May.   The105 light fixtures will be replaced/repaired in September by licensed Electrician.


Communications: No Report or discussion.


Covenant Compliance:  Mark indicated the recent gunshot sounds may have come from the shooting range on the Brown Homestead Shooting Range.  A tour will be conducted this month.

Two  re-occurring violations have been resolved.


Engineering and Water Augmentation:  Matt will meet with past chair to get more information on this committee.  Greg found a detailed report of the detention ponds, made by Jerry Lopez.


Forest Management:  No report or discussion.


Neighborhood Watch: No report or discussion.


Record Keeping:   Steve Lebel was consulted by Greg Davis.  We will not need a Licensed Management Manager.  Some other concerns will need further study.


Welcoming:   Chuck has given two welcome packets in the past month.  Two homes are pending.


.Board meeting minutes:  Minutes of the April board meeting were presented. 

Motion to approve by Patrick, seconded by Matt.  Unanimous Approval.


Treasurer’s Report: Matt Dunston presented the treasurer’s Report.  A motion was made by Matt and seconded by Patrick to pay Marla Vincent, Dole Grebenek & Bill Uhde.   Unanimous Approval.


Future Meeting Schedule:

Annual Board Meeting: Thursday, September 17th, 6:30 P.M., Woodmoor Improvement Association Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Drive.

Regular Board Meetings : 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District; July 21st, Aug 18th,Sept. 8th, Oct. 20, Nov. 17th, & Dec.15th.



A motion to adjourn, was made by Mark Weidner. Seconded by Matt Dunston.  Unanimous Approval.  9:00 P.M.


Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan   June 17,  2015     Approved by the Board   July 21, 2015