Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2015

Matt Dunston’s Home, Monument, CO

                                                        (Sanitation Board Meeting Room Unavailable)


The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:56 PM.


Board members present:  Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Deb Guillan, Chuck Loeffler.

Board member, Patrick Quinlan was absent.  A motion was made by Greg, seconded by Deb to excuse the absence and was approved by all members present.


Approval of the Agenda:  Matt Dunston made a motion to approve the agenda as written.  The motion was seconded by Chuck, and approved unanimously.


ACC Report:  ACC Report by Matt, indicates fencing approval, re-roofing approval & approval of a detached Garage plan.


Committee Reports:


Beautification, Trails & Roads:  Deb and Matt met with Dole Grebenik and toured the landscaping areas needing the work.  It was discussed as to costs /company and comparison.  The third company indicates they are sending a bid.  With three bids, the decision will be put to a board vote via email.


Communications: No Report or discussion.


Covenant Compliance:  Matt presented that a ongoing covenant control issue will be addressed with permanent requirements and solutions.


Engineering and Water Augmentation:  Renee Pollock and Marla will be working together to get the water cards out in a timely manner.


Forest Management:  No report or discussion.


Neighborhood Watch: No report or discussion.


Record Keeping:   Deb Guillan asked that one bylaw change be revoked after Attorney Steve Libel prepares his opinion of that change.  Greg will communicate and hire Steve Libel in this process.


Welcoming:  No Report or discussion.  Bluebird boxes will be found from a different source.  All agree they are nice welcoming gifts for our new home owners.


.Board meeting minutes:  Minutes of the March board meetings were presented. 

Accepted with Corrections.  Motion by Gregg, seconded by Matt.   Approved by the Board.


Treasurer’s Report: Matt Dunston presented the treasurer’s Report.  The Davey Tree Company Bill was presented.  Greg made a motion to pay.  Seconded by Matt. Approved by the Board.


Motion to proceed with the Davey Tree Expert Company, for landscaping for the 2015 year, if their bid comes in below the other bids.  Motion made by Greg.  Seconded by Chuck.  Approved by all.


Entry Monument Update:  Matt Dunston presented that Brian Sibel will begin work on the Colonial Park Monument in early May. 



The meeting was adjourned by Deb Guillan. Seconded by Matt Dunston.  Unanimous Approval.


Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan                                 Approved by the Board