Minutes-March 5, 2015
Bent Tree Property Owner’s Association
Quorum Not Established with 11 Homeowners Present.
Called to Order 6:40 PM
Board: Greg Davis, President; Matt Dunston, Director; Chuck Loeffler, Director ; Deb Guillan, Secretary; Patrick Quinlan; V. President; Mark Weidner;CCC Committee & Forestry Committee Chair;
Minutes from the Annual Homeowners Meeting-Unapproved as no Quorum Established.
Financial Report: The BTPOA 2015 Budget-Balance Sheet, BTPOA 2015 Budget Vs. Revenue & Expenses Sheet & The Reserve Study were presented by Matt Dunston and Greg Davis.
Reserve Study expenses include Trail Improvements and Cornerstone Improvements. A discussion ensued with questions and thoughts on needed updates & maintenance of cornerstones. Matt Dunston presented a map of the Bent Tree Subdivision with a projected walking trail around the perimeter. Homeowners Chris Mettes, Stephen Fuhrmann & David Whitman responded with questions and ideas.
Committee Reports;
Beautification & Trails Committee: Deb Guillan detailed the Trail work day of last October.
ACC Committee: Matt Dunston presented recent activity. Approved changes for a variety of homeowners and for new fences, CCC requirements & home improvements.
CCC Committee: Recent tours have been conducted and the results have been favorable. Some continuing issues are being addressed.
Water Committee: Chuck present that the water usage cards will be going out as usual. Renee Pollock will continue to keep the records and produce the spreadsheet needed for State Water Usage Purposes. He explaied the post card color differences; metered homes, homes with over the 2,000 sq. foot limit in irrigation & the yellow cards for non-metered homes.
A motion to adjourn was made by Matt Dunston. A Second by Patrick Quinlan. Unanimous Approval.
Deb Guillan, Secretary BTPOA Not Approved