Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Annual Homeowner’s Meeting

DATE OF MEETING September 17, 2014

Woodmoor Improvement Association Barn- 1691 Woodmoor Drive

Meeting called to order by Greg Davis at 6:35 pm


Board members: Greg Davis, President:  Patrick Quinlan, Vice President;  Matt Dunston, Director; Chuck Loeffler,  Director; Deb Guillan, Secretary

ACC Ron Restanio

Other attendees: 71 Lots –Quorum met


Approval of the agenda change to bring forward the election, made by Matt Dunston, Seconded by Patrick Quinlan.  Unanimous Approval.

Approval of the election officials.  Marsha Sherry, Doug Kich.  Motion made by Matt, Seconded by Patrick Quinlan.  Unanimous Approval.                               

Review & approve Annual Budget Meeting Minutes Feb. 12, 2014.  Motion made by Matt Dunston.  Seconded by Bill Dunston.  Unanimous approval.

ACC Report-Ron Restanio presented Mark Wester’s report.  Mark Wester’s   resignation is noted as he is moving to Denver.

ACC Election-One position Open.  Candidates Rich Munsell and Brandon Ware each spoke of their desire to serve on the Architectural Control Committee.

Brandon Ware elected to the ACC.

Board of Directors Election-One Directors term is Open.  Matt Dunston was re-elected to serve on the Board of Directors by voice with a clear majority.

Greg spoke of the need for more volunteers to fill the open committee positions.  The community members could serve well in these positions are welcomed to help the Bent Tree community stay strong.   Without help the future could hold higher yearly fees & the need to hire out some of these duties.   Open Committee Positions;  Beautification, Trails & Roads Chair, Communications, Directory & Web Site Chair, Engineering & Water Augmentation & Record Keeping Chair.

Committee Reports-

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  Deb Guillan- liaison, spoke of an upcoming work day on the trails.  The Davey Company has mowed and maintained the cornerstones from May on.  The weed spraying to begin in March in 2015.  Bill Dunston indicated he would like to see a more defined trail around the South-east and Eastern walking trails.  This to be explored with cost concerns.

Communications, Directory & Web Site: Greg indicates a need for help on this committee.

Covenant Compliance:  Bill Smith spoke on behalf of Mark Weidner, Chair.  Nine tours have been conducted.  The covenant violations were noted each tour.  Repetitive violations were addressed with a call or a visit to the home.  Some violations were noted as rental properties & addressed with both renters & home owners.  A solution was the goal of each visit.  90% of the violations are resolved.  Two variances have been applied for in the past year.  One approved & one pending in wait for a hearing with the board of directors.

Forest Management/Wildfire Mitigation:  Chuck Loeffler, spoke of the recent successful beetle inspection, completed in April.  The one tree found to have beetles was removed.  Mitigation has gone well and voluntarily by homeowners.  Some insurance companies have required more aggressive with mitigation from their policy holders.  Tree inspections will be scheduled in two years by the State Forest Service Recommendation.

Neighborhood Watch: Patrick Quinlan, Liaison– spoke of instances of vandalism.  Keep vigilant in watching what is going on in Bent Tree.

Engineering & Water Augmentation:  Chuck Loeffler, Liaison presented the water report which is due in October.  We will need a new Chairperson for this committee.  He appreciates the work that Bob Hostetler has done during his term.  Doug Barber, President of the Great Divide Water Company, is liquidating the final water rights.  Doesn’t affect Bent Tree’s water. The Great Divide Water Company  reduced  Bent Tree’s Water fees in 2014.

Welcoming:  BOD Liaison Chuck Loeffler, conducted many welcoming visits this year.  He mailed packets to homeowners & renters.

Record Keeping Study Group:  BOD Liaison Deb Guillan, indicates we need a chair for this committee. 

Treasurer’s Report

2014 Financial Report - Matt Dunston, Treasurer made a motion to accept the Balance Sheet to date.  Seconded by Marty Kruse.   Unanimous approval.   Greg discussed the need for a Capital Reserve Study. Matt indicated the cornerstone improvement will be a budgeted item.


Matt made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Bill Dunston.   Unanimous Approval.


Future Meeting Schedule: BTPOA MEMBERS Budget Meeting-February 18th

Regular board meetings (3rd TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District):  Nov. 18th, Dec. 16th, Jan. 20th, Feb.17th, Mar. 17th, April 21st




Minutes submitted by Deb Guillan                              Date:  November 18th


Minutes approved by Board of Directors with changes           Date:  November 18th