Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes-BTPOA Minutes

DATE OF MEETING September 9, 2014

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Meeting called to order by Greg 6:33 pm


Board members: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Chuck Loeffler, Deb Guillan Quorum Met

Other attendees: Mark Weidner CCC Chairman & Forestry Committee Chairman


Approval of the agenda-Motion made by Matt to accept agenda.  Seconded by Chuck. Unanimous approval.

Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda -None

Excuse absences, if any –Patrick’s Quinlan’s absence was excused.

ACC Report, if any-Matt gave a report indicating a deck permit, a shed completion and a Briese permit.


Committee Reports-

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  BOD Liaison Deb Guillan gave report about meeting with Rick with Davey’s Tree Expert Company.  A Work Day with Homeowners is planned for Oct. 11th.

Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison-No Report

Covenant Compliance:  A Report with Violation numbers, resolutions and the successful results was given by Matt.  Face to face communication has become a positive outcome in most matters.  Building confidence with Homeowners is the CCC goals.  Working for a successful result and building relationships with all involved.

Engineering & Water Augmentation: Matt succeeded in bringing in more of the final water reading cards.

Forest Management/Wildfire Mitigation:  No new.

Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison– No Report Record Keeping Study Group: Deb Guillan would like to encourage an email to go out for help on this committee.

Record Keeping Study Group: Deb Guillan would hope a Chair steps up at upcoming Homeowner’s meeting.

Welcoming:  BOD Liason-Chuck reported two welcoming packets out to new home owners.

10 Properties on the market.



Administrative Assistant Search Report-.Matt wishes to include a previous candidate in the search effort.  He also indicates Marla is skilled in the areas needed for this position and could step in to help during this transition time and fill the position at a later date, if approved by the hiring committee.


Monument Upgrade Report-Matt indicates the work could begin in October or early spring, contractor availability dependent.


Board Meeting Minutes Approval-Greg approved the Board Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2014.

Seconded by Chuck.  Unanimous approval.


Final Plans for Annual Homeowner’s Meeting-September 17th a

All Board Members to arrive early to help set up chairs, tables and pre-pare ballots.  Greg will prepare ballots, agenda & sing in sheets, Matt put out signs Sunday & prepare Treasurer’s Report.  Mark Weidner to prepare CCC Report.   Deb to purchase refreshments for the meeting and set them up.

Treasurer’s Report-Matt reimbursed Deb Guillan $38.00 for Bent Tree State HOA Registration &

State Non Profit Name Registration.  (ID # 19871631988) Motion to pay by Greg.  Seconded by Matt. Unanimous Approval.

Matt paid Traci Silverberg’s final check for the Administrative Assistant hours from last month.  Motion to pay $149.00, made by Chuck, seconded by Matt.  Unanimous Approval.

Matt will pay the Davey Tree Expert invoices.

Matt will pay the Hartford Insurance bill.

Matt will reimburse Chuck for mailing expenses.


Future Meeting Schedule:  Regular Board Meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Oct. 21st, Nov. 18th, Dec. 16th, Jan.20th, Feb. 17th, Annual Budget Meeting-February



Adjournment- A motion was made to adjourn, made by Deb.  Seconded by Chuck.  Unanimous Approval.  8:34 P.M.


Minutes Submitted by Deb Guillan                                    October 21, 2014


Approved  By the BTPOA Board                                       October 21, 2014