Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors Meeting-BTPOA Minutes

DATE OF MEETING June 17, 2014

              Monument Sanitation Department District Office, 130 2nd Street, Monument


      Meeting Called to Order at 6:38 P.M.

Board members: Greg Davis,  Patrick Quinlan, Matt Dunston, Chuck Loeffler, Deb Guillan, Quorum Met


Approval of the Agenda- Motion made by Patrick to accept agenda. Seconded by Chuck.Unanimous Approval  

Resident Remarks-None                 

Excuse Absences-None

ACC Report-Matt reported that a refund was made to Tim Briese.  There was an accepted Re-roof request

& paint color approval for repainting.  Will look into new fence that appears non-compliant.

Landscaping and Maintenance-Davey Landscaping contract was accepted by all board members by email.

Davey's has been working on dead tree removal & trail maintenance.  Mowing by the 4th of July is requested.

Monument Upgrade Report- Matt will have another contractor out for a 2nd bid.  The work could start soon with

approval of bid.

Administrator-Traci Silverberg has requested that her duty hours be reduced as she has taken on a part time position.           ,      it was  discussed that the Board would like her to continue to work as much as she is able and supplement that time

with another Administrative Assistant.   Interviews for the second Admin position will be at the July board meeting.

Deb made a motion to accept reduced hours for Traci Silverberg..  Patrick seconded. Unanimous Approval.

Committee Reports-

Beautification, Trails & Roads- Deb presented the email from Leslie Valez, with her resignation.

Regretfully accepted.  Some trail damage corrected in late May.

Communications, Directory & Web Site:  Greg reported that a web based system would be user friendly.

Mass emails could be sent easier & residents could update their own information.

Covenant Compliance:  Matt reported letters have been sent out for covenant infractions. Mark Weidner or

Traci will draft a CCC Activity Report each month.

Engineering & Water Augmentation:  Chuck indicated all usage cards are accounted for.

Forest Management- Chuck indicated the one beetle tree has been removed.   It was stated that slash needs to be         ,      removed from yards in a timely manner.

Neighborhood Watch-Mail tampering was reported in Bent Tree, Hygby Estates & Woodmoor. 

Record-keeping Study Group: Deb requested an email sent looking for a chair for this group.

Welcoming:  Chuck reported letters have been sent out to new residences.  Bird houses were given to those who            ,      requested one.   Many home sales were noted.  He will follow up with one renter on the covenants.

Review/Approval of Minutes-March Minutes were corrected.  Patrick motioned to accept, Chuck seconded,                 ,     Unanimous Approval.

May Minutes- Matt made a motion to accept May’s Minutes.    Patrick seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.


Treasurer’s Reports- Matt gave the report.

Motion made to reimburse Mark Weidner for Forestry mailing expenses.  Made by Patrick. Seconded by

Chuck.  Unanimous approval

Motion made to pay the $1,200.00 Forest Service bill, for the tree inspection.  Made by Deb. Seconded by Chuck.     

Unanimous Approval.

Motion made to Pay Traci Silverberg’s invoice for April and May.  Made by Chuck.  Seconded by Patrick. 

Unanimous Approval.

Motion made to pay HOA insurance.  Made by Chuck.   Seconded by Matt.  Unanimous Approval


Future Meeting Schedule

Annual Meeting-September 17th.   Greg reported the Woodmoor Improvement Association  Room usage fee

at $150 per night plus a damage deposit..

Motion made by Patrick to approve this cost.  Seconded by Matt.  Unanimous approval.

Regular Board Meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District):  July 15th,  Aug. 19th,

Sept. 16th,  Oct.21,  Nov. 18, & Dec. 16th.



Action Items: Greg-Mass email sent to residences asking for committee chairs for Beautification, Records                             ,     Keeping, Water and Engineering. Also request for Data Base help.   Set -up interviews for 2nd Admin position.

      Talk with Bob Swedenberg about NEPCO.

Deb-Talk with Rick Silverberg about mowing prior to July 4th.  Send Greg approved minutes for posting.

Chuck-Order magnetic signs.

Matt-Talk with Mark Wester & Mark Weidner about a monthly report for Board Meetings. Meet with contractors

about the Monument upgrade, Pay Invoices.

Patrick-Will Talk to Mark Weidner on uncompleted Garage on Viscount.

Adjournment-Motion to adjourn was made by Matt.  Seconded by Patrick.  Unanimous approval.


Minutes Submitted by Deb Guillan                              Date: June 22, 2014


Minutes approved by Board of Directors                   Date: July 15, 2014