Bent Tree Property Owners’
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
DATE OF MEETING March 18, 2014
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Meeting called to order by Greg Davis at 6:35 pm
Board members: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Patrick Quinlan, Deb Guillan
Other attendees: John Heiser, Herb Wetzel-Neighborhood Watch Captain
1) Approval of the agenda. Made by Matt. Seconded by Patrick. Unanimously accepted.
2) Resident remarks; Herb Wetzel presented his recent communications with Deputy Duda. He feels residents of Bent Tree need to stay connected, informed and be judicious. Neighborhood Block Parties are encouraged. Great communication is important & updated email lists. Residents are encouraged to join Next Door Bent Tree;
3) Excuse absences; Chuck Loeffler-Motion to accept his absence. Made by Matt. Seconded by Patrick. Unanimously Approved.
4) ACC Report; Matt presented the Briese home is completed.
5) Tree Inspection Notices- The upcoming April tree inspection Notice will go out by email
& by letter to the 27 non-email using residents. Mark Weidner can go ahead with the email & mailings after the mailing is provided by Greg.
6) Real Estate Signs; Motion to remove direction signs from street corners. Made by Greg. Seconded by Matt. Unanimously accepted. CCC committee, with the help of Traci Silverberg, will call the agents who have placed the signs, and ask that they comply in 48 hours with removal.
7) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: Deb Guillan presented that Leslie is interviewing Landscaping Company’s for the entrance maintenance and trail mowing.
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: Greg presented that Mafae is updating the
Directory & the Web Site. Herb Wetzel encourage consideration of a printed Directory.
c) Covenant Compliance: Matt Dunston presented that he, Mark Weidner & Traci Silverberg completed the Tour. Two letters will go out to residents detailing compliance issues.
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: No Report.
e) Forest Management/Wildfire Mitigation; Inspection the week of April 14th.
f) Neighborhood Watch: Herb Wetzel presented earlier.
g) Welcoming: BOD Liaison Chuck Loeffler, noted in a written report, of two upcoming sales of homes, one lease, which he sent a welcoming package & the near completion of a new build.
h) Record Keeping Study Group: Deb presented Traci is going to work on this, within the next few months.
8) Review/approve board meeting minutes;
December 10, 2013 minutes-Motion to approve December Board Meeting Minutes, with Resident Comments. Made by Patrick. Seconded by Matt. Unanimously accepted.
January 21, 2013 Minutes-Motion to approve, January Board Meeting Minutes, with corrections. Made by Patrick. Seconded by Matt. Unanimously accepted.
February 12, 2014 Budget Meeting Minutes- Motion made to approve, February Budget Meeting Minutes. Made by Matt. Seconded by Greg. Unanimously Accepted. Noted to be presented for resident’s approval at the September Homeowner’s Meeting on Sept. 16, 2014.
February 18th Board Meeting Minutes. Motion made to approve February Board Meeting Minutes. Made by Greg. Seconded by Patrick. Unanimously accepted.
9) Laptop Discussion- Laptop has valued programs that would cost a great deal to replace on another laptop. Motion was made to retain laptop for Board use. Made by Matt. Seconded by Greg. Unanimously accepted.
10) Treasurer’s Report-Matt Dunston presented
a) Status of 2012/2013/2014 assessment payments-Few Remain Due.
b) Review/approve Traci Silverberg invoice
c) Briese Construction Reimbursed ACC Construction Fee. Accepted Unanimously.
11) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Annual Meeting: Wednesday, September 17th, 6:30 P.M., Woodmoor Improvement Association Barn.
b) April Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 15, 2014, The Monument Sanitation District Office.
12) Summary of action items-Greg-Call homeowner for Real Estate Sign upgrade, Call WIA to hold Barn rental for September Homeowner Meeting.
Patrick-Bent Tree Walk about with Board Members-Tuesday, April 29th at 9 P.M. Meeting at Greg Davis’s home. Research solar lighting.
Deb-Send minutes to Greg for posting on Website, Call Leslie with Strecker Landscaping name, Contact Traci for history on Records keeping update, Contact Mark Weidner with go ahead on Forestry email, Update Chuck on Meeting information.
Matt-Spread Sheet creation, contact Briese 17995 Queensmere.
Motion to Adjourn March Board Meeting. Made by Matt. Seconded by Patrick. Unanimously Accepted.
Minutes submitted by Deb Guillan Date: April 15, 2014
Minutes approved by Board of Directors Date: May 17, 2014