Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
DATE OF MEETING February 18,2014
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Meeting called to order by Greg Davis at 6:43 pm
Board members: Greg Davis, Patrick Quinlan, Chuck Loeffler, Matt Dunston, Deb Guillan
Other attendees: John Heiser
1) Approval of the agenda Motion made by Patrick. Second by Matt. Unanimous Approval
2) Comment by Deb to an email concerning State Senate Bill .
3) Excuse absences, Note: Chuck Loeffler will be absent for the March 18th Board Meeting.
4) Review/approve Dec. 12,2013 , January 21, 2014 board meeting minutes. Names corrected in both. Motion to accept January 21, 2014 Board Meeting minutes, after correction, made by Patrick . Second by Matt. Unanimous approval.
December minutes to be completed by including resident’s comments & boards responses.
Annual Budget Meeting Minute Draft approved, after correction “Chuck elected by Acclamation.” To be presented for approval at the September 17, Annual Homeowners Meeting.
Motion made by Patrick. Second by Matt. Unanimous approval of the draft.
5) ACC Report-Matt Dunston
6) Real Estate Signs-Patrick Quinlan presented his concerns on the number of signs, size and advertising added to the top of one sign. The CCC committee will communicate with homeowners if their Real Estate Signs are not within the Bent Tree Rules & Regulations specifically 4.8.1.
7) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liaison Deb, spoke on Leslie’s behalf.
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: Greg communicated the process for his taking this on. He & his Son to work together.
c) Covenant Compliance: The tour has been cancelled for Friday. Will be rescheduled.
d) Engineering and Water Augmentation: -Chuck will be the liaison for this committee, as Greg is the President, & Web Manager. Chuck & Chairman Bob have met to discuss the details.
e) Forest Management/Wildfire Mitigation: BOD Chuck new Liaison & Gregg spoke of the need to get postcards out to the homeowners ASAP. Will communicate with Mark Weidner, Chair.
f) Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison Patrick– Spoke about a recent burglary. Also the sighting of two suspicious people coming to Bent Tree Homeowner doors. Bent Tree Email will broadcast the need to be vigilant and watchful of what is going on in the neighborhood.
g) Record Keeping Study Group: BOD Liaison Deb Guillan, no Chair at this time. Traci Silverberg will be comparing what we need to do to complete the CCIOA Record Keeping Standards.
a) Welcoming: BOD Liaison Chuck Loeffler & Chair, reported he has sent out packets to two new Homeowners.
8) Treasurer’s Report-Matt Dunston, acting Treasurer.
a) The Treasurers report was presented by John Heiser. Accountant Jackie Spegele/Numeric Strategies LLC noted as Accountant for Bent Tree POA.
b) 4 past due Assessments. Past default letters will be given to Matt. These letters will be sent with the State Requirement of HOA’s to offer a payment plan. Traci Silverberg sending the letters & picking up the mail from the BTPOA mail box. Matt gave the post office key to Traci.
c) A motion was made by Greg Davis to have Traci Silverberg send the default letters for unpaid assessments. Matt mad the second. Unanimous approval.
d)A motion was made to Pay Traci Silverberg Invoice , by Matt Dunston. Patrick Quinlan made the second. Unanimous approval.
A motion was made by Matt Dunston for Traci to scan in the receipts for BTPOA Expenses. Patrick made the second.
d)A motion was made to repay Patrick Quinlan for the refreshment costs for the Annual Budget
Meeting. Made by Matt Dunston. Patrick made the second. Unanimous approval
A motion was made, by Matt Dunston to reimburse Chuck Loeffler for the welcoming Committee expenses. Patrick made the second. Unanimous approval.
a) 2014 Financial Report -
b) Status of 2012/2013/2014 assessment payments
c) Review/approve Traci Silverberg invoice
d) No Attorney Bills
e) No Further Bills
10) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Annual Meeting: September 17, 2014, Woodmoor Barn
b) Regular board meetings (3rd TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District):
c) Next Board Meeting March 18, 2014
11) Any other business
12) Summary of action items
13) Adjournment
Minutes submitted by Deborah Guillan Date: March 2014
Minutes approved by Board of Directors Date: March 18, 2014