Bent Tree Property Owner’s Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting-Tuesday January 21, 2014
Meeting called to order at 6:34 p.m. at The Monument Sanitation District Office.
Quorum: All Board Members Present
Board: John Heiser, President; Matt Dunston, Director; Greg Davis, Director; Patrick Quinlan, Director; Deb Guillan, Secretary; Administrator: Traci Silverberg, Independent Contractor, ACC Chairman, Mark Wester
Motion: To Accept Agenda Change. Made by Matt. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous approval.
No Minutes to Approve
ACC Report :Matt Dunston presented a new build project in beginning status.
Real Estate Signs Patrick Quinlan presented concern for excessive & distasteful Real Estate Signs. Matt Dunston will talk to those home owners.
Dog Control Issues-Deb Guillan gave an update on the recent dog attack, as brought up to the board after the incident. The El Paso Animal Control mediated between the two owners to an acceptable result for both dog owners.
A discussion of how Animal Control and nuisance animals are worded in the Bylaws, specifically 4.10 Result is changing the wording in the Rules & Regulations.
Committee Reports
Beautification-Deb Guillan presented Leslie Valdez’s goals. To look into a Landscaping Company to satisfy the needs for entrance mowing, clean-up of weeds. Leslie is investigating different types of lighting for the use at each monument corner.
Patrick Quinlan discussed the look of Monuments, and most concerned with the Colonial Park & Higby Estates monuments. Discussed needing a capital improvement amount to upgrade the monuments. A board member group to view the monuments & develop improvement ideas.
Communications-Directory Web Site-John Heiser presented. Noted was Steve Furmann’s resignation from this position. Greg discussed his ability to take on some of the responsibility.
Hourly help from Cindy Eberle, a web designer, was suggested.
Motion to accept Steve’s resignation was made by Matt. Greg seconds this motion.. Unanimous approval.
Covenant Compliance: Matt Dunston presented an update on CCC’s activities. A tour was conducted. Non-compliant residents will receive letter.
Engineering & Water Augmentation: Report by Matt that a few homeowners need to provide water information.
Forest Management- Greg reported that postcards will go out in late January or early Feb., notifying residences that the beetle inspection will be conducted.
Neighborhood Watch- Patrick Quinlan reported.
.Record-Keeping Study Group-Deb Guillan gave the report. Request for guidance & research from Traci Silverberg.
Welcoming Committee: Deb reported no new residents to welcome at this time. Budget was reduced for the 2014 year was reduced by the cost for fire extinguishers.
Treasurer’s Report-John Heiser Treasurer-John passed out the Proposed Working Budget for BTPOA 2014. Monthly Reimbursement Statement & Statement of Hours of Service for Traci Silverberg.
Patrick makes the motion to approve the 2013 Balance Sheet/Financial Report. Deb Seconds this motion. Unanimous Acceptance.
Discussion of Capital Improvements and use of Funds.
Discussion of Reserve Study-Greg leading this effort.
Matt makes a motion to approve changes to the 2014 Budget. Greg Seconds this motion. Unanimous acceptance.
Matt makes a motion to approve Traci Silverberg’s hourly payment. Greg Seconds this motion. Unanimous acceptance.
Motion made by Patrick to pay the office expenses for John Heiser. Matt Seconds this motion. Unanimous acceptance.
Action Items
Future Meeting Schedule: Budget Meeting- Woodmoor Barn, February 12, 2014, 6:30 P.M.
Patrick Quinlan bringing refreshments, All Board Members enlisted to come at 6 to prepare the meeting. John will change sign to Wednesday and set out on the corners.
Traci will meet with Deb Guillan to go over Record Keeping Research.
Patrick will get the board together to do a monument look for future projects.
Motion to Adjourn the January Board meeting was made by Patrick. Greg seconds. Unanimous Approval
Minutes prepared by Deb Guillan, Secretary, December 7, 2014.
Approved with corrections Feb. 18, 2014