Bent Tree Property Owner’s Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting-Tuesday December 10, 2013
Meeting called to order at 6:12p.m. At The Monument Sanitation District Office.
Quorum: Four Board Members present
Board: John Heiser, President; Matt Dunston, Director; Greg Davis, Director; Deb Guillan, Secretary; Patrick Quinlan, Independent Administrator: Traci Silverberg, Mark Weidner, CCC Committee & Forestry Committee Chair, Jim Rios, CCC Committee Member, Chuck Loeffler; Welcoming Committee Chair. Steve Fuhrmann, Web Site Admin., Property Owners; Jane King, T.C. Smith, Hank Kilgore, Bruce Temkin, Doug Kitch, Sue Kilgore, Cheryl Marshall, Chaz Marshall, James Myers, Dave Gustafson, Christian Hill, Ron Restanio,
Motion: To Accept Agenda. Made by Greg. Seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.
Motion to Accept November 12, 2013 board meeting minutes. A correction was made to a meeting date. Motion to Accept Corrected minutes by Deb. Seconded by Matt. Unanimous Acceptance.
Rule Making Session-Residents remarks-Two Attachments: Verbal remarks from Dec. 10th meeting. Written remarks from before Dec. meeting.
Matt motioned to approve the Covenant Wording Changes as John Heiser drafted. Greg seconded the motion. Unanimous Acceptance.
Matt motioned to approve the Variance Procedure Addition. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous approval.
Motion to approve of Compliance to House Bill (13-1276)-Motion made by Patrick to accept. Seconded by Matt. Unanimous Acceptance
ACC Report by Matt Dunston
Committee Reports:
Beautification Committee-Leslie purchased replacement batteries.
Communications Web Site
Covenant Committee-Mark Weidner Chair- A Covenant Tour will be conducted in January.
Engineering & Water Augmentation. Matt clarified one concern on over water usage.
Forest Management Chair, Mark Weidner, indicates the April 14th date for tree inspections.
No Neighborhood Watch Report.
Record Keeping Group-Looking for help from Janet Wicks or finding another interested committee member to help with this committee.
Welcoming Committee-Deb Guillan reported that Chuck Loeffler turned in his budget for 2014. He also turned in his receipts for the final supplies needed in 2013. A discussion ensued to discontinue purchasing fire extinguishers. Give out the final extinguishers purchased, but no further purchases of extinguishers for the 2014 year.
Treasurer’s Report
2013 Budget-John Heiser presented 2013 Budget Vs. Revenue & Expenses
2014 Preliminary Budget- was discussed.
2013 Status of Assessed Payments-All Paid in full.
Greg Discussed he would like to work on a Bent Tree Reserve Study.
Invoice from Anderson, Dude & Lebel - Motion to pay this invoice. Made by Matt. Seconded by Greg. Unanimously Accepted.
Motion to Pay November invoice for Traci Silverberg, Administrative Assistant. Motion by Matt and Seconded by Greg. Unanimously Accepted.
Bills-Motion to pay for Stamps. Deb motioned, Greg Seconded. Unanimous approval. Motion to pay for Blue Channel, $156.00, for internet site. Matt made the motion. Greg Seconded. Reimbursement to Chuck Loeffler for welcoming Committee supplies. Mat motioned and Greg seconded. Unanimous approval.
Future Meetings; Annual Budget Meeting-February 12th, Woodmoor Barn, 6:30 P.M. January Board Meeting-21st-Voted on due to meetings at the Village Inn on second Tuesday. Matt made the motion to change board meetings to the third Tuesday of each Month. Greg Seconded. Unanimous Approval.
Summary of Action-Forestry Committee will send out cards with action plan on lot inspection.
Website- Determine what needs to be posted on the website, versus the Bent Tree Files.
Record Keeping-Find committee and get going on the needs to comply with State HOA requirements.
Explore better quality lighting at entrances. Put together a plan for Entrance Improvements. Budget reflects an increase to $7,000.00.
Adjournment of the December Board Meeting
Minutes prepard by Deb Guillan, Secretary, January 9, 2014 & February 19, 2014
Minutes approved by the board on February 18, 2014 with minor changes