Bent Tree Property Owner’s Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting-Tuesday November 12, 2013
Meeting called to order at 6:34 p.m. at The Monument Sanitation District Office.
Board: John Heiser, President; Matt Dunston, Director; Greg Davis, Director; Deb Guillan, Secretary; Administrator: Traci Silverberg, Independent Contractor; Water Augmentation and Engineering Committee Chair Bob Hostetler; Chuck Loeffler; Welcoming Committee Chair. Jane King, property owner.
Quorum: Four Board Members present
Motion: To accept agenda change that executive session, if needed, be included before Treasurer’s Report. Made by Matt. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous approval.
Motion: Excuse Patrick Quinlan’s absence. Unanimous approval.
Motion: Accept October 22nd Special Board Meeting Minutes. Made by Gregg. Seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.
Motion: Accept Nov. 1st Special Board Meeting Minutes. Made by Greg. Seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.
Potential changes to the BTPOA Rules & Regulations Discussion:
Motion: Table change to Section Made by Deb. Seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.
The draft rules and regulations were reviewed and discussed at length.
Motion: John Heiser to prepare a revised draft based on the discussion and distribute to the membership. Made by Matt. Seconded by Greg. Unanimous approval.
ACC Report: Matt Dunston reported that the committee has a number of projects in progress.
Committee Reports
Beautification-Deb Guillan presented the results of the October workday on the walking trails. A receipt for the trail wood was turned in.
Motion: Reimburse the cost for the trail wood. Made by Matt, seconded by Deb. Unanimous acceptance.
Communications-Directory Web Site: John Heiser presented.
Covenant Compliance: Greg Davis presented an email from Mark Weidner. New Committee to go out on a tour in the month of November.
Engineering & Water Augmentation: Bob Hostetler present the Bent Tree Annual Irrigation & Usage Report.
Forest Management: Greg Davis presented an email with report summary from Mark Weidner, Chair. Tentative date set for the week of April 14, 2014, as the tree inspection date.
Neighborhood Watch: No Report.
Welcoming Committee: Deb Guillan read Chuck Loeffler’s Report. There are fire extinguishers and birdhouses in inventory.
Record-Keeping Study Group-Deb Guillan gave the report.
Treasurer’s Report-John Heiser Treasurer: John distributed the current working budget, the Monthly Reimbursement Statement & Statement of Hours of Service for Traci Silverberg.
Initial discussion was held of the 2014 budget.
Committee chairs to provide their budget requests for 2014, by email to John Heiser before the end of the year.
Executive Session: Not needed.
Future Meeting Schedule:
Motion: Change the location and date of the February Budget Meeting to the Woodmoor Barn, February 12th, 6:30 pm. Made by Matt and seconded by Greg. Unanimous approval.
December 10, 6 pm, regular monthly board meeting, Monument Sanitation District.
Summary of Action Items: Committee chairs provide budgets to John Heiser by the end of Dec. John Heiser to prepare and distribute R&R revised draft.
Minutes prepared by Deb Guillan, Secretary, December 4, 2013.
Revised by John Heiser, President, December 10, 2013.
Approved by the Board December 10, 2013.