A determination of a quorum of the Bent Tree homeowners was approved.
The meeting was called to order by President John Heiser, with Board members Matt Dunston, Duane Fitch and Patrick Quinlan in attendance. Board member Wayne Claybaugh was absent.
The results of the election of the two vacant positions was determined by a majority vote to Deb Guillan and Greg Davis as the new Board members for a three year term.
The minutes of the Annual 2012 Meeting were approved as well as the notes from the October 18, 2012 Wildfire Mitigation Meeting and the February 21, 2013 Budget Meeting.
Matt Dunston was elected to the ACC 3 year position currently held by Bob Brown.
Mark Wester gave an ACC committee report reviewing the purpose of the ACC to review changes to the exterior of Properties including landscaping. There is a change application as well as new building application that need to be completed by home owners . Mark mentioned that very few applications were not approved and the turnaround time is usually less than the 30 day requirement. He also asked for volunteers to be ACC auxiliary members. The ACC meets the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Jim Maser gave a report of the Covenant Compliance Committee, Mark Weidner reported for the Forest Management and Herb Wetzel for Neighborhood Watch Committee. Bob Hostetler of the Water Augmentation Committee reported that there are only 6 lots with over 2,000 square feet in irrigation. There is a possibility that Great Divide Water can lower their annual fee that is charged to Bent Tree Property Owners Association.
Robert Gaspar requested that speed limits be observed due to the many close calls with pedestrians especially with dogs.
John Heiser invited homeowners to attend the monthly Board meetings.
The annual meeting was adjourned with a motion by Matt Dunston and a second by Greg Davis.
Minutes by Patrick Quinlan, BTPOA Secretary.
Approved at the Annual Budget Meeting, Feb. 12,