APRIL 16, 2013


6:09 pm Meeting called to order

In attendance, John Heiser, Patrick Quinlan, Matt Dunston, Duane Fitch, Jane King, Dave Whitman, Leslie Valez and Tom Gregory

Duane Fitch motioned to move the Committee reports up on the agenda and Matt Dunston seconded and approved.

Motion to approve the Minutes of the March 12,2013 meeting by Duane Fitch was seconded by Matt Dunston and approved.

Leslie Valez, Chair for Trail Beautification, will check with Mountainview Electric for costs of sign lighting. The $4,000. Approved in the Budget for Trail beautification will be divide up between each entrance along with mowing and contracting for a landscape company. Lighting at entrances all need to be replaced. Matt Dunston agreed to make a cost assessment for each entrance.

Bob Hostetler, Chair for Water Augmentation, reported that water report card information has been mailed and waiting for homeowners' replies.

Dave Whitman of Fire Mitigation made a report of what options may be available for Fire Mitigation.

$598.61 was approved to pay Mandi Roehlich's bill by a motion from Matt Dunston and second by Patrick Quinlan.

Motion to go into executive session to discuss ongoing business made by Patrick Quinlan and second by Matt Dunston.

Motion to come out of executive session was made by Patrick Quinlan and seconded by Matt Dunston. Motion was made to approve the March 26 hearing results and the subsequent March 29th letter to homeowner.

Motion to refer to HOA attorney asap for collection of $400. Fine plus attorney costs was made by Matt Dunston and seconded by Patrick Quinlan. A limited amount of time based upon attorney's advice would be determined to pay the fine. John Heiser will talk to Attorney Label by 4172013.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Patrick Quinlan and seconded by Matt Dunston and was approved.

Next Board of Directors meeting will be May 14, 2013