Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Special Meeting Minutes
July 23, 2012
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Commence Meeting at 6 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by John Heiser
Board Members Present were John Heiser, Duane Fitch, Wayne Claybaugh, Matt Dunston and Jane King
1) Approval of the agenda – Jane King made motion to approve agenda, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.
2) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda - none
3) Excuse absences, if any - none
4) Review/approve July 11, 2012 board meeting minutes – motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve minutes with modifications made to section listing payments approved by Board, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor with modifications.
5) ACC Report, if any – none
6) Executive Session: Executive Session started immediately at 6 pm and ended at 8 pm.
a) Review/approve hearing summary letters (3) - motion by Jane King to approve 3 hearing summary letters, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor).
b) Conduct interviews for administrative assistant – interviewed four candidates.
7) Treasurer’s Report
a) Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any – Motion made by Jane King to approve invoice for $49, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
b) Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any
i. Motion made by Duane Fitch to approve reimbursement to Bill Uhde for $62.64 for Scottswood entry work, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
ii. Motion made by Jane King to reimburse Matt Dunston for $453.57 for Scottswood entry work, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
8) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Annual meeting: Sept. 13, 6:30 pm, YMCA – John Heiser reserved YMCA for meeting.
b) Regular board meetings (2nd Wednesday, 6 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Aug. 8, Sep. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12
9) Any other business - none
10) Summary of action items
11) Adjournment – motion made by Jane King to adjourn at 8:45 pm, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
Submitted by Jane King, Secretary August 5, 2012
Approved by Board August 8, 2012