Property Owners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2012
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
John Heiser called meeting to order at 6:07 pm
Board Members Present were John Heiser, Wayne Claybaugh, Matt Dunston and Jane King
1) Approval of the agenda motion made by Matt Dunston to approve agenda, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
2) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda - None
3) Excuse absences, if any Motion made by Matt Dunston to excuse Duane Fitch, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
4) Review/approve February 8, 2012 board meeting minutes upon Jane King modifying these minutes to reflect changes made by Board members, Wayne Claybaugh made the motion to approve minutes as modified, seconded by Matt Dunston, all in favor.
5) Review/approve February 16, 2012 Budget meeting notes, if available upon Jane King modifying these minutes to reflect changes made by Board members, Matt Dunston made the motion to approve minutes as modified, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
6) ACC Report, if any- None. Jane King informed Board that meeting that was to take place on March 7, 2012 between ACC members and CCC members was postponed until next ACC meeting which will be on April 4, 2012.
7) Review/approve hearing summary letters (0)
8) Executive Session: - Motion made at 6:25 pm by Wayne Claybaugh to go in to Executive Session, seconded by Matt Dunston, all in favor. Motion made at 6:50 pm by Jane King to come out of Executive Session, seconded by Matt Dunston, all in favor.
a) Hearings (0)
b) Advice from/guidance to attorney, if any
9) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liaison, Matt Dunston Leslie Velez, Chair Matt indicated that with the weather improving, he should be able to contact Ignacio Martinez and have him get started on work at Scottswood and Highway 105 entry. John Heiser reminded Matt that he needs to keep Leslie in the loop on this project since she is the Chair for the committee.
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison, Wayne Claybaugh Steve Fuhrmann, Chair The Access Database function has been moved back to Steve Fuhrmann and he is also doing updates. There is good progress on the work on the Directory.
c) Covenant Compliance: Liaison, Jane King Jane King, Chair There are still two pending Board issues relating to hearings where homeowners needed to take certain steps once the parking ballot results were announced. Jane King will draft letters to the homeowners and submit to the other Board members for review. Jane will also type up letter to homeowner that summarizes outcome of meeting between homeowner, Matt Dunston and Mark Wester from the ACC. Jane King will modify document relating to CCC overview and then send to Wayne Claybaugh to be included in Welcome packet.
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: BOD Liaison John Heiser Bob Hostetler, Chair The Board still has concerns over communication Bob Hostetler sent to the Board on information he gathered relating to water rights.
e) Forest Management: BOD Liaison Wayne Claybaugh John Anderson, Chair The Committee will create a master list of homeowners that they can use to track responses to the Forest Management information that went out to all homeowners recently. This is relating to the Forest Service upcoming tree inspection in Bent Tree.
f) Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming: BOD Liaison Wayne Claybaugh RaeJean Claybaugh, Chair Motion was made by Wayne Claybaugh to separate these two Committees and Wayne further made the motion that Duane Fitch be the liaison for the Neighborhood Watch Committee, this motion was seconded by Matt Dunston, all in favor.
10) Treasurers Report
a) Balance Sheet/2012 Budget John Heiser passed out updated information which was reviewed by the Board members.
b) Status of 2011/2012 assessment payments Matt Dunston will call homeowners who are past due in paying assessments.
c) Review/approve Accountable Bookkeeping Services invoice Motion made by Jane King to pay invoice, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
d) Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any Motion made by Matt Dunston to pay invoices, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
e) Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any Motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to reimburse John Heiser for printing charges paid by John, seconded by Jane King, all in favor.
11) Issues Regarding Membership Meeting Proxies there were issues with proxies at the last meeting and based on some homeowner comments there seems to be confusion on the proxy process. John Heiser will modify the proxy information that goes out to homeowners when a meeting is coming up to include guidelines on proxy use.
12) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Annual meeting: Sept. 13, 6:30 pm, YMCA
b) Regular board meetings (2nd Wednesday, 6 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Apr. 11, May 9, Jun. 13, Jul. 11, Aug. 15, Sep. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12
13) Any other business
14) Summary of action items
a) Matt Dunston to contact Ignacio Martinez about starting work at Scottswood Drive and Highway 105 entrance and to get a signed document on the work to be done and cost.
b) Jane King to modify minutes from February 8, 2012 Board meeting and February 16, 2012 Budget meeting to incorporate changes and then submit to Steve Fuhrmann for posting to the web page.
c) Jane King to type up two letters to homeowners to follow up with hearing outcomes from last year and also to type up letter to summarize meeting with homeowner, Matt Dunston and Mark Wester.
d) John Heiser to type up response to homeowner who emailed Board as a follow up to pending issues.
e) John Heiser to type up communication to homeowner about CCC concern that has been ongoing.
f) Jane King will update CCC document with suggested changes and send to Wayne Claybaugh to include in Welcome packet.
g) Matt Dunston will contact homeowners with past due balances and work with them on the issue.
h) John Heiser to work on modifying communication that goes to homeowners relating to the use of proxies.
i) John Heiser to send Jane King financial information from Budget meeting so it can be attached to minutes from February 16, 2012 Budget meeting.
15) Adjournment motion made by Jane King to adjourn at 7:40 pm, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
Submitted by Jane King, Secretary March 18, 2012
Approved by Board April 11, 2012