Bent Tree Property Owners Association, Inc. P.O. Box 2631 Monument, Colorado 80132-2631 www.btpoa.net |
2012 Budget Meeting Notes
Thursday, February 16, 2012
1) Determination of Quorum The quorum was not met (37 lots represented) as we did not have enough lots present and/or represented. Because we did not reach a quorum, everything contained in these minutes are to be identified as notes and none of the motions passed are official, but rather they are in the nature of a straw poll or "the sense of the group that attended.
2) Call to Order, Introductions John Heiser meeting called to order at 6:37 pm and homeowners introduced themselves.
3) Approval of Meeting Agenda John Heiser motion made by Steve Fuhrmann to change agenda to include Neighborhood Watch discussion as item #10. Seconded by Jim Maser and all were in favor.
4) Conduct of the Meeting John Heiser Reviewed pages 2-3 of the handout on the conduct of the meeting.
5) Review/Approval of September 15, 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes John Heiser Motion made by Mike Young and seconded by Bob Simpson to approve minutes from September 15, 2011 Annual meeting. All present were in favor.
6) Financial Report, Budget Discussion and Approval John Heiser- reviewed financial information in detail. Motion was made by Steve Fuhrmann to approve financial and budget information, seconded by Jim Maser. All present were in favor.
7) ACC Report Mark Wester- informed residents of ACC log on submitted items. There is 30 days for the ACC to respond to an application. On major projects the approval is usually done during the walk through. Clarified that old plans that the ACC had been holding on to for years were discarded. Any homeowner who wants to get the plans for their home can contact the Regional Building Department.
8) Water Committee Report Bob Hostetler- Informed homeowners that we use water that we do not own so we have to keep strict records and replace the water we are using. BTPOA Water Committee needs to have maps of all irrigation on all lots. The cards that the committee sends out to homeowners needs to be completed and returned so BTPOA can prove to the regulators that we are meeting the requirements. There were homes with leaks that were causing high water usage and the homes all had the leakage in their irrigation systems.
9) Forestry Committee Report John Anderson- once again BTPOA will be paying for the Forest Service to come inspect all BTPOA lots and this will be at no cost to the homeowners. The proposed timeframe for the Forest Service inspection is last week of April, 2012. Beetles fly late in May to June and any trees marked for removal need to be taken down and cleared by June 1, 2012. Last time the Forestry Committee conducted the process a large number of homeowners did not respond. Owners will receive a mailing from the Committee and they will need to mark their choice for tree inspection on the card and return it to the Committee. Results of inspection will be communicated to homeowners.
10) Neighborhood Watch John Heiser A suggestion was made to form this Committee again and Herb Wetzel agreed to Chair the Committee. Volunteers were encouraged to sign up for this and other committees on the signup sheets passed around during the meeting.
11) BTPOA Rules and Regulations Version 9 John Heiser- Rules & Regulations Version 9 were adopted by the Board and information was included in the meeting handouts. John pointed out information o Page 12 of 21 and Page 15 of 21.
12) Trash Service Duane Fitch-wants to revisit the idea from the past of all homeowners using one vendor for trash service. The proposed vendor is Tri Lakes Disposal and they have added a more extensive recycle option for homeowners. A suggestion was made to have BTPOA include trash service as part of the annual fees. Duane will do more research and present another proposal.
13) Meeting Schedule
a) Proposed Annual Meeting Date: Thursday, Sept. 13, 6:30 p.m. (on or about Sept. 15th) John Heiser reminded homeowners of the annual meeting date.
b) Board Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month, 6 pm, Monument Sanitation District board room, 130 2nd Street, Monument. John Heiser reminded homeowners of the meeting change for Board meetings.
c) Other Events July 4th Potluck? Idea was thrown out to see about getting something together this year for the July 4th holiday.
14) Any Other Business It was suggested that we have trash cleaned up on the areas along the main roads and it was suggested that maybe kids from the schools could participate.
15) Adjourn motion made by Bob Hostetler to adjourn at 8:40 pm, seconded by Eddie Velez. All in favor.
Submitted by Jane King, Secretary: March 12, 2012
Approved by Board: March 14, 2012
Approved by Membership: September 13, 1202