Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2012
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Commence Meeting at 6 p.m.
John Heiser called meeting to order at 6:05 pm
Board Members Present were John Heiser, Wayne Claybaugh, Matt Dunston and Jane King
1) Approval of the agenda – motion made by Jane King to approve agenda, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
2) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda - None
3) Excuse absences, if any – motion made by Jane King to excuse Duane Fitch, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
4) Review/approve December 13, 2011 meeting minutes – motion made by Matt Dunston to approve minutes, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
5) ACC Report, if any – Jane King gave update on ACC meeting held on January 4, 2012 and attended by Duane Fitch, Jane King and Emily Vannelli. Duane, Jane & Emily attended to discuss communication and processes for issues that involved both the ACC & CCC.
6) Review/Approve Comment Responses R&R Version 9 (moved above due to homeowner presence and allowing them to provide input) – Paul Young attended meeting in order to provide input on Forestry section of R&R’s. Based on Mr. Young’s input and after discussion, wording on Forestry section was modified. With modified wording and other proposed changes, motion made by Jane King to approve proposed changes pending presentation to homeowners, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor. Before being presented to homeowners, John Heiser will update homeowner responses document as well as Forestry section. Motion was made by Matt Dunston to incorporate these changes before submitting to homeowners, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
7) Review/approve hearing summary letters (0) - None
8) Executive Session:
a) Hearings (0) - None
b) Advice from attorney, if any - None
9) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liaison, Matt Dunston – Leslie Velez, Chair – Matt is continuing to work on entry issue at Scottswood and Highway 105. Matt will get bid from Ignacio on work and idea is to put up some large rocks, some posts to mark the area and some grass seeds. Plan is to have work done in Spring, 2012.
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison, Wayne Claybaugh – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair – Wayne Claybaugh will work with Steve Fuhrmann on changes to directory.
c) Covenant Compliance: Liaison, Jane King – Jane King, Chair – CCC update given in item #5 above.
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Bob Hostetler, Chair – Bob Hostetler will send out letters on outstanding issues relating to water augmentation. A check was sent to Jerry Lopez for payment of his services related to the drainage work. Bob Hostetler has been trained in this area and will take this on moving forward.
e) Forest Management: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – John Anderson, Chair – John Anderson will be working on communication for Forest Management Committee and information will be sent to homeowners toward the end of February if possible.
f) Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – RaeJean Claybaugh, Chair – One more family has moved in and will be provided with Welcome Packet. Jane King will be putting together information related to CCC issues to include in future welcome packets.
10) Review/Approve Comment Responses R&R Version 9 (moved above due to homeowner presence and allowing them to provide input)
11) Treasurer’s Report
a) Balance Sheet/2011 Budget – John Heiser passed out updated financial information.
b) Status of 2011/2012 assessment payments – 76 lots were still unpaid at time of meeting which is a high number.
c) Review/approve Accountable Bookkeeping Services invoice – Motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve invoice, seconded by Jane King, all in favor.
d) Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any - None
e) Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any – Invoice for Great Divide presented, motion made by Jane King to pay, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
12) Review/Approve 2012 Budget - Board members put together proposed budget for this year which will be presented at February, 2012 Budget Meeting. Motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve proposed budget numbers, seconded by Matt Dunston, all in favor.
13) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Budget meeting: Feb. 16, 6:30 pm, YMCA
b) Regular board meetings (2nd Tuesday, 6 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Feb. 14, Mar. 13, Apr. 10, May 8, Jun. 12, Jul. 10, Aug. 14, Sep. 11, Oct. 9
14) Any other business
15) Summary of action items
a) Matt Dunston to get estimate from Ignacio on Scottswood and Highway 105 entry work.
b) Jane King to work on letter to be included with Welcoming Packet that highlights CCC and main issues and how new homeowners can address potential problems.
c) Wayne Claybaugh to work on letter relating to CCC issue Matt Dunston is addressing. (This was completed and submitted to all Board members)
d) Matt Dunston will coordinate meeting with homeowner, Jane King, an ACC member relating to ongoing vehicle issue and appropriate screening.
e) John Heiser will respond to email received from homeowner on December 14, 2011 relating to vehicle parking issue.
f) John Heiser will modify homeowner responses for attachment to R&R document and will also modify Forestry section of R&R and then send out to homeowners before the February, 2012 Budget Meeting.
g) Jane King is typing up Google Docs instructions. Board members discussed limiting access due to sensitive data contained in Google Docs.
16) Adjournment - motion made by Jane King to adjourn meeting at 7:55 pm, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
Submitted by Jane King, Secretary January 22, 2012
Approved by Board February 8, 2012