Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2011
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Commence Meeting at 6 p.m.
Board Members present were John Heiser, Jane King, Wayne Claybaugh, Duane Fitch and Matt Dunston
Meeting called to order by John Heiser at 6:04 pm
1) Approval of the agenda – Jane King made motion to approve agenda, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor
2) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda – None
3) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liaison, Who? – Leslie Velez, Chair. It was decided that Matt Dunston would be the BOD liaison for this committee. Leslie gave the Board an update on the trail work that will be done by the committee on Saturday October 15, 2011. They are having a mixture put down and volunteers are to come with shovels, etc. to help work on spreading the mixture along the trail off of Higby Road. The following homeowners showed up to help out:
Tim Alger
Elizabeth and Logan Bryson
and Deb Guillan
Deanne McCullough
and Tina Oldfield
and Chris Uhlenhopp
and Leslie Velez
and Camilla Wetzel
The Board unanimously approved appointment of these people to the Beautification, Trails & Roads Committee.
The next project the committee will try and take on will be doing work at the Scottswood Drive and Highway 105 intersection. Leslie has spent considerable time gathering information and speaking with El Paso County and is trying to set up a meeting with the BOD liaison in order to move forward.
4) Excuse absences, if any - None
5) Review/approve Sept. 13, 2011 board meeting and Sept. 15, 2011 annual meeting minutes – Motion made by Duane Fitch to approve September 13, 2011 minutes with change in word from approved to second relating to John Heiser’s motion, seconded by Jane King, all in favor. Motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve September 15, 2011 minutes, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor. Jane King will make changes and send minutes to Steve Fuhrmann for posting to the web page.
6) ACC Report, if any - None
7) Review/approve hearing summary letters (1) – motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve hearing summary letter, seconded by Jane King, all in favor.
8) Executive Session:
a) Hearings (0)
b) Advice from attorney
9) Committee Reports, if any
a) Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison, Wayne Claybaugh – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair – Elena Mastrangelo met with Steve Fuhrmann and she left the laptop with Steve as she has some circumstances that limit her availability to work on the committee. Steve reported that he is back in the lead for web and database support. Elena will assist as she is able. The Board approved Steve working on automating ACC requirements that they have articulated to Steve. The Board approved developing on domain for eventual transition back to from The Board authorized up to $500 for Steve to use for incidental web and database expenses. The discussion focused on professional assistance but did not mention software requirements. The Board approved that the BTPOA’s computer go with the automation function and be in the possession of whomever is doing that which is currently Steve.
b) Covenant Compliance: Liaison, Jane King – Who? Chair
i. Handling of follow-up on prior parking hearings – we need to follow up on prior hearings and see where things stand due to communication made during the July, 2011 tour with one or more homeowners. The idea of sending out a CCC newsletter was discussed and trying to proactively get homeowners that have or will have outdoor parking issues to contact the CCC and work with the CCC and ACC to address the issues in advance. It is suggested that we try and get community help and involvement for homeowners who need to construct vehicle screening and have others help put up whatever screening is necessary.
ii. One homeowner went along for the September, 2011 tour and participated in order to see how things worked and how the process worked and will consider getting more involved. Their concern is that the Board needs to stay on top of things and follow through on things so CCC issues are corrected and covenants are enforced.
c) Engineering & Water Augmentation: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Bob Hostetler, Chair – Patrice Stevens sent letters out to those required to report as Bob H. was not available. Bob H. will follow up on those and the committee is meeting with Jerry Lopez to get some input on the drainage issues. Matt Dunston expressed an interest in being at that meeting. Authorization given to pay Jerry Lopez $500 for his time drainage work.
d) Forest Management: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – John Anderson, Chair – John Anderson is going to get a description on forest requirements – i.e. who is qualified to look at lots and make decisions on issues – what are the needed qualifications.
e) Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – RaeJean Claybaugh, Chair – no updates
10) Treasurer’s Report
a) Balance Sheet/2011 Budget – John Heiser passed out latest balance sheet information.
b) Status of 2011 assessment payments
c) BTPOA Covenant Enforcement Hearings and Fines – motion made by Wayne Claybaugh, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor to have Matt Dunston contact certain homeowners on past due balances.
d) Review/approve Accountable Bookkeeping Services invoice – Duane Fitch made motion to approve invoice, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
e) Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any – no bill.
f) Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any – motion made to reimburse John Heiser for meeting costs, Wayne Claybaugh made motion, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.
11) Review/approve proposed changes to the BTPOA Rules and Regulations – motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to move to another meeting time, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor. The BOD will have special Board meeting on November 15, 2011 to address this topic.
a) Section, Vehicle Parking, Overnight visitors
b) Section 4.10, Animals
c) Section 6, Property Owner Responsibilities
d) Additional changes, if any
12) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Budget meeting: Feb. 16, 6:30 pm, YMCA
b) Regular board meetings (2nd Tuesday, 6 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, Mar. 13, Apr. 10, May 8, Jun. 12, Jul. 10, Aug. 14, Sep. 11, Oct. 9
13) Any other business – Steve Fuhrmann brought up roles of officers and it was decided that all officers would stay in the same roles. Matt Dunston made a motion to approve this, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor. Matt Dunston will take on role of BOD liaison for Beautification, Trails and Roads Committee.
14) Summary of action items
a) Jane King to change word on September 13, 2011 minutes and then sends those and September 15, 2011 minutes to Steve Fuhrmann for posting to web page.
b) Matt Dunston to contact homeowners who have outstanding balances due from prior covenant hearings with the Board.
c) Jane King to contact homeowner on parking concerns and find out what actions would help eliminate the situation and provide that information to the Board members and Matt Dunston in particular so Matt can move forward with his action items.
d) Matt Dunston is to contact another homeowner on parking issues and concerns from neighbors to try and come up with a solution to address the ongoing situation.
e) John Heiser will change the introduction on the 2 letters used for late assessments.
f) Jane King has action item to formalize, finish CCC process documentation.
15) Adjournment – motion made by Jane King to adjourn at 8:05 pm, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
Submitted by Jane King, Secretary November 2, 2011
Approved by Board November 8, 2011