Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2011
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Executive Session starting at 5 p.m. to interview CCC candidates
Commence Regular Session at 6 p.m.
Directors present: John Heiser, Duane Fitch, Wayne Claybaugh, Jane King and Mike Mastrodonato
1) Approval of the agenda – Mike Mastrodonato made a motion to approve, seconded by Jane King, all in favor.
2) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda - None
3) Excuse absences, if any - None
4) Review/approve February 15 and March 8, 2011 board meeting minutes – both sets of minutes were approved as submitted. Jane King will remove draft, add Board approved date and submit to Steve Furhmann for posting to the web page. Motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve both minutes, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.
5) ACC Report, if any – John Heiser tried to contact Mark Wester to see if there was an update. Mark is out of town and there was no update provided.
6) Review/approve hearing summary letters (0)
7) Hearings (0) and plans for hearings, if any
8) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liaison – Duane Fitch – John Stahl, Chair – Wayne Claybaugh received an email from a homeowner who would like to help and he turned the information over to Duane to follow up on. Jane King needs to review minutes from BOD meeting held at Fire Station and send homeowner names that showed an interest in this committee at that point and send the names to Duane.
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair
c) Covenant Compliance: Liaison – Jane King – TBD, Chair – Emily passed out the CCC letters that she had worked on and modified to try and tone them down and make them friendlier. There was a suggestion on changing the title to “Notice of Possible Covenant Violation”.
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez, Chair – Jerry Lopez said that Bob Hostetler has spent time with him learning the process and that Renae Pollock has indicated she would help Bob H. So far 100 yellow cards have been returned for water record purposes.
e) Forest Management: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – John Anderson, Chair - So far they have had 162 returned responses to tree inspection. The inspection dates have changed and will be 5/2, 5/3 & 5/4. The 3 individuals involved are going to divide the names of those who have not responded and contact them to try and get approval for the tree inspection on their properties. Wayne Claybaugh said he wants to have a letter sent to those not responding about the importance of this process in protecting all Bent Tree property.
f) Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Wayne Claybaugh, Chair – Wayne Claybaugh’s wife sent letters and welcome packet to 2 new homeowners.
9) CCC Appointments – Board voted in favor of appointing homeowners to the CCC that had come forward and met with the Board. Also, the Board voted to have Jane King participate on the CCC and for Jane to lead the group initially while working on getting the 2 homeowners who expressed an interest in being Chair of the CCC up to speed. Co-Chairs of the CCC will be Cris Uhlenhopp and Jim Rios. Jane King will continue as the Board liaison and will be actively involved with the CCC. Other CCC members are Bryan Boyce, Bob Hostetler, Jim Maser and Patrick Quinlan.
10) Treasurer’s Report
a) Balance Sheet/2011 Budget – John Heiser passed out updated financials for review. Bent Tree will be over on legal when all the costs come in for conducting the parking ballot process.
b) Status of 2011 assessment payments –John Heiser passed out an updated copy and will follow up with additional notices.
c) Review/approve Accountable Bookkeeping Services invoice – Invoice reviewed and Duane Fitch made motion to pay, Wayne Claybaugh seconded, all in favor.
d) Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any – John Heiser went over bill and Wayne Claybaugh made motion to approve, Mike Mastrodonato seconded, all in favor.
e) Review/approve reimbursements, if any – John Heiser reviewed reimbursements for John Anderson and Jerry Lopez. Wayne Claybaugh made motion to approve, Jane King seconded, all in favor.
11) Updates to the Rules and Regulations
a) Changes to comply with state law – John passed out red line version of suggested Rules and Regulations changes and Wayne Claybaugh made motion to approve, Duane Fitch seconded. Additional discussion took place and another modification was suggested so a motion to amend the original motion was made by Wayne Claybaugh, Duane Fitch seconded and all in favor.
b) Changes, if any, in response to vehicle parking vote – None, the parking change was voted down in all 3 Bent Tree filings.
12) Future Meeting Schedule:
a) Annual meeting: Sept. 15, 6:30 pm, YMCA
b) Board meetings (2nd Tuesday, 6 pm): May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, December 13
13) Any other business
14) Summary of action items
Jane King to review prior meeting minutes to get names of those homeowners who said they would be interested in taking care of a certain section of Bent Tree relating to the Beautification issues. (Update: sent Duane email with names and contact information 4/15/11)
Jane King to make sure issue relating to plastic mailbox includes information about the homeowner contacting the ACC and getting proper approval for any new structure. (Update: 4/14/11 worked with Emily and modified hearing letter to include this information)
Jane King to send list to Duane Fitch of possible contractors who could do work at Highway 105 and Scottswood Drive entrance. (Update: Sent Duane email with information 4/15/11)
Jane King to send out message to those who signed up to participate on CCC and let them know the Board unanimously voted to have them participate and address next step in process.
John Heiser to speak with Mr. Lebel about CCC issue that Mr. Lebel had originally told Jane King and Duane Fitch he wanted handled through his office. John will verify if that still applies.
John Heiser to send updated Rules and Regulations to Steve Furhmann for posting to web page. (Update: Completed on 4/13/11)
15) Adjournment – motion made to adjourn at 8:00 pm by Duane Fitch, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.
Minutes submitted by Jane King, Secretary April 15, 2011
Approved by Board May 10, 2011