ACC meeting minutes January 05, 2011
1) Ron Restanio, Paco Canellosa and Mark Wester attended. Met on Wednesday at the Village Inn restaurant in Monument.
2) Review request from lot 53, 17845 Barrington Court. Approved request to build walkout door and patio.
3) Review request from lot 120, 17145 Colonial Park Drive. Approved request to plant six-foot cedar trees to screen parked cars from view.
4) Lot 17, 17750 Barrington Court has new owners and notified that they will be doing remodeling in the future, no applications were submitted at this time.
5) Reviewed write-up of policies and procedures, will add changes to the documents and review before the next board meeting.
6) Next meeting will be the Wednesday before the BTPOA board of directors meeting. This will be February 9, 2011 at the Village Inn in Monument.