Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2010
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Directors John Heiser, Wayne Claybaugh, Jane King and Mike Mastrodonato were present.
1) Approval of the agenda
Wayne Claybaugh moved to approve agenda, Mike Mastrodonato seconded, and all were in favor.
2) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
3) Excuse absences, if any
Wayne Claybaugh moved to excuse Duane Fitch, Mike Mastrodonato seconded, and all were in favor.
4) Review/approve April 12, 2010 and October 11, 2010 board meeting minutes, if available
John Heiser is still trying to get minutes from the April 12th meeting.
Wayne Claybaugh moved to approve the October 11th minutes, Jane King seconded, and all were in favor.
5) Review/approve hearing summary letters (7)
Jane King moved to approve all hearing letters, Wayne Claybaugh seconded, and all were in favor.
6) Hearings (2) and plans for hearings
Wayne Claybaugh moved to put this part of the agenda later in order to give the homeowners time to appear, Mike Mastrodonato seconded, and all were in favor.
The two homeowners who were to attend the meeting for hearings did not attend. John Heiser will send out communication to these two homeowners. One letter will be to reschedule the hearing to the December 14, 2010 Board meeting. The other letter will be to assess a fine based on repeated issues.
7) ACC Report, if any
8) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liaison – Duane Fitch – Who? Chair
No update
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair
Steve Fuhrmann has been working Google Docs folders and naming convention. Steve brought a typed list of all the duties he volunteers and performs for Bent Tree and communicated that he needs to get some other individuals to take some of this work off his plate or Bent Tree needs to hire someone for web site work. It was decided that the Google Docs folders will be filed in Lot Number order. The hope is that this area can also be used in the future by Jerry Lopez for Water Augmentation information. Wayne Claybaugh will do a weekly backup of Google Docs.
Steve Fuhrmann mentioned that the dues mailing will be coming up in early December so if the Board wants anything else included let him know.
c) Covenant Compliance: Liaison - Duane Fitch – Bill Owens, Chair
Jane King communicated that there were approximately 10 letters that needed to go out (a couple are for hearings) based on the October tour and that Jane had not completed that task. Duane Fitch and Jane King have dates set aside for the November tour.
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez, Chair
Jerry Lopez passed out a spreadsheet detailing all the lots in Bent Tree and the issues remaining with homeowners reporting water information. Based on the information provided 3 letters will be sent to homeowners relating to their gross over consumed amounts, 1 letter will be sent to a homeowner relating to their over irrigation amount, 1 lot with over irrigation will be dealt with in the Spring when the homeowner returns and 3 lots will receive reminder letters about water issues.
Jerry Lopez also discussed the issue with well permits and changing all well permits in Bent Tree to reflect the property owners of record. Jerry indicated this can be a cumbersome process but this is a new requirement that needs to be completed.
e) Forest Management: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh - Larry Stevens, Chair
Wayne Claybaugh will contact Mike Wolfer who signed up for the committee at the annual homeowner’s meeting.
f) Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming: BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Wayne Claybaugh, Chair
No update
9) Treasurer’s Report
a) Balance Sheet/2010 Budget
John Heiser handed out copy of financial data for review. Wayne Claybaugh made motion to pay attorney bill in amount of $199.50, Mike Mastrodonato seconded, and all were in favor. Wayne Claybaugh made motion to pay NEPCO bill in amount of $45, Jane King seconded, and all were in favor.
b) Review/Approve Red Oak Associates’ bill
Jane King moved to approve the current bill of $500, Mike Mastrodonato seconded, and all approved.
c) Red Oak Associates’ accumulated hours
Janice from Red Oak handed out a document to the Board that she put together addressing issues from her perspective.
d) Schedule special meeting to address Red Oak issues
Meeting scheduled for 6 pm on Tuesday November 16th at Monument Sanitation District.
10) Status of updates to the Rules and Regulations
a) Compliance with state law changes
John Heiser still have action item to update based on state law changes.
11) Status of ballot on covenant change for vehicle parking
John Heiser had a phone conversation with the attorney and the Board will have a special meeting on Tuesday November 16th at 6 pm to be held at the Monument Sanitation District Office. This will be to discuss the attorney’s input and questions.
Future Meeting Schedule:
Budget meeting: Feb. 17
Board meetings: December 14, January 11
(Note: Board meetings are being moved to the second Tuesday of every month and will start at 6 pm)
13) Any other business
14) Summary of action items
John Heiser will try to get April 12, 2010 minutes or create them from notes of meeting.
Jane King will resend email on information gathered from El Paso County on Scottswood and 105 dirt patch area. (Note: Jane King sent information to all Board members on 11/9/2010)
Jane King will work on getting prior tour pictures moved to Google Docs folders.
Wayne Claybaugh will put weekly reminder to backup Google Docs information.
Mike Mastrodonato will contact Matt Dunston, Wayne Tully and David Nix about volunteering on Beautification, Trails & Roads committee. (Note: Jane King emailed all Board members on 11/9/2010 to provide list of those who actually signed up for the committees at the last homeowner meeting)
Steve Fuhrmann will send email to residents asking for volunteers to take over web site work. If no one shows interest Steve will get price for someone to create a public records database and also for them to update front page of current web site.
Wayne Claybaugh will get with Steve Fuhrmann and take over the Microsoft Access Database process since Wayne uses this for Welcoming Committee work.
John Heiser will check on rate for booking The Barn and will book it if within reason, otherwise John will book the YMCA for February 17th budget meeting.
John Heiser
will work on updating Rules and Regulations so they are compliant with State
15) Adjournment
Wayne Claybaugh made motion to adjourn at 9:28 pm, seconded by Mike Mastrodonato, all were in favor.
Submitted by Jane King, BTPOA Secretary, November 9, 2010.
Approved by Board, November 16, 2010