ACC meeting minutes September 13, 2010
1) Ron Restanio, and Mark Wester attended.
2) Walkthrough at Jim ______ , 18045 Bankhurst Ct. Application for new shed and driveway to the shed.
3) 1330 Ambergate Ct. Lot 232. John Anderson submitted application for new roof due to hail damage. Application was approved.
4) 17830 Queensmere Dr., lot 198. Keith Paro submitted application for gate and large decorative rock for landscaping. Application was approved.
5) Lot 139, 1120 Edenhurst Ct. Application for new asphalt driveway. Application was approved.
6) Lot 20, 17745 Barrington Ct. Steve and Linda Gregg. Submitted application for 16 foot fence 6 feet height to screen extra vehicle. Application was approved.
7) Reviewed e-mails that were received.
§ 1870 Radbourne Ct. Notify ACC about extra cars at residence due to children home from school.
§ Inquiries about possible construction at log 229, construction was a new leach bed.
§ Tentative approval for new roof at 17045 Viscount Ct.
§ 17690 Charter Pines, possible parking issues. Mark will respond
§ 17520 Charter Pines, need form for new mailbox
§ Mark will call Steve Fuhrman to get access codes.