Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2010
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Meeting commenced at 7:01PM. John Heiser, Duane Fitch and Mike Mastrodonato present.
1) Approval of the agenda
John Heiser moved to approve the agenda. Duane Fitch seconded. All approved.
2) Excuse absences, if any
K. Wayne Claybaugh. Duane Fitch moved to excuse his absence. John Heiser seconded. All approved.
3) Review/approve April 12, 2010 and June 14, 2010 board meeting minutes, if available
Reviewed June 14, 2010 minutes. Duane Fitch moved to approve. Mike Mastrodonato seconded. All approved.
4) Review/approve hearing summary letters (1)
One hearing summary letter was reviewed and approved. Duane Fitch moved to approve. Mike Mastrodonato seconded. All approved.
5) Hearings (1) and plans for hearings
One hearing was accomplished.
6) ACC Report, if any
Mark Wester and Ron Restanio gave the report.
7) Committee Reports, if any
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liaison – Duane Fitch
Mowing complete.
b) Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison - David Nix – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair
No report.
c) Covenant Compliance: Liaison - Duane Fitch – Bill Owens, Chair
No report.
d) Engineering & Water Augmentation: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez, Chair
Water compliance summary reviewed.
e) Forest Management: BOD Liaison – David Nix - Larry Stevens, Chair
No report.
f) Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming: BOD Liaison – Duane Fitch – K. Wayne Claybaugh, Chair
No report.
8) Treasurer’s Report
a) Review/Approve Red Oak Associates’ bill
Mike Mastrodonato moved to approve. John Heiser seconded. All approved.
b) Assessment payment status
No change. Six unpaid.
c) Balance Sheet/2010 Budget
Reviewed the current balance sheet. BTPOA has a surplus versus the budget at this time.
9) Board Vacancy Status
Discussed and believe there are candidates that will run for election at annual meeting.
10) Status of updates to the Rules and Regulations
a) Compliance with state law changes
John Heiser is working on review and compliance.
b) Proposed combination of Beautification, Trails & Roads Committee with Forestry Committee to form Environmental Committee
Discussed and believe there is no benefit to the BTPOA to move this concept forward at this time.
c) Proposed combination of Communications, Directory & Web Site Committee with Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming Committee to form Communications Committee
Discussed and believe there is no benefit to the BTPOA to move this concept forward at this time.
11) Preparations for Annual Meeting
Future Meeting Schedule:
Annual meeting: Sep. 16
John Heiser
moved to reserve the YMCA for $90 for the annual meeting. Duane Fitch
seconded. All approved.
Board meetings: August 9, September 13, September 16
13) Any other business - Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
14) Summary of action items
Mike Mastrodonato to review existing proxy for compliance prior to annual meeting
Mike Mastrodonato moved to purchase new signs up to a cost of $200 for the annual meeting reflecting change of location to YMCA. Duane Fitch seconded. All approved.
15) Adjournment
Duane Fitch moved to adjourn at 9:35PM. John Heiser seconded. All approved.
Submitted by Mike Mastrodonato, October 1, 2010. Approved by the board October 11, 2010.