ACC meeting minutes May 10, 2010
1) Ron Restanio, and Mark Wester attended
2) Approve request for deck for 17930 Queensmere, Lot 223. Did site inspection on May 11. Need to send notice to neighbors.
3) Approve request for addition of room above garage for 855 Pebble Ct., lot 60. Addition includes a new roof. Did site inspection on May 11. Need to send notice to neighbors.
4) Owner requested to remove medium sized trees that block view of mountains. Trees are about 5 - 7 inches diameter. Request was approved.
5) Owner at 1120 Scottswood, lot 52 submitted request for new gutters . Request was approved.
6) Discussed request for outdoor structure for housing a hawk at 17284 Colonial Park Dr., lot 136. Application must be submitted with drawings before any decision will be make.
7) 17190 Colonial Park Dr. , lot 194, submitted application to put solar panels on their roof. Mark will do inspection before approval.
8) 17775 Radbourne Ct., lot 27 submitted application for exterior stucco of house. Request was approved.