Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association, Inc. P.O. Box 2631 Monument, Colorado 80132-2631 www.btpoa.net |
2010 Budget Meeting Notes
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Since we have many items to cover, with the exception of those giving reports, all other speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes each. No one will be allowed to speak a second time on a topic until all who want to speak on the topic have had a chance to speak.
1) Determination of Quorum
As of 6:40 pm, we have 34 and we need 39 for quorum.
2) Call to Order, Introductions
John Heiser called the meeting to order. Everyone in the room introduced themselves.
3) Conduct of the Meeting
We use Roberts Rules of Order when necessary.
4) Review/Approval of September 17, 2009 Annual Meeting Minutes
We will have to wait until this year’s annual meeting to approve the minutes where we will hopefully have a quorum.
5) Board of Directors Election to Fill Vacancy
If you know of anyone who might be interested, please contact anyone who is currently on the Board of Directors.
6) Financial Report, Budget Discussion and Approval
John Heiser read through the 2009 budget and
expenditures. No one in the audience had any issue with the 2009 budget and/or
expenditures. John then read through the 2010 budget. He highlighted the major
differences between the 2009 and 2010 budget amounts.
7) Water Committee Report (John Heiser)
Due to other commitments, John Heiser filled in for our Water Committee Chair, Jerry Lopez. John reviewed the prior year’s water usage, highlighting the fact that some property owners have over-consumed their allotment. John also pointed out that some property owners have not been reliably returning their water usage cards. David Nix mentioned that we will have an email address that can be used to submit water usage.
8) Forest Report (Larry Stevens)
Larry reviewed last year’s inspection and thanked those who participated. Larry recommended that we skip an inspection in 2010, and possibly conduct an inspection in 2011.
9) Vehicle Parking Variance Procedure Status and Discussion (Mike Mastrodonato)
Mike Mastrodonato distributed a DRAFT proposal for a parking variance. Views both pro and con were voiced from those in attendance at the meeting. A straw vote was taken whether or not the board should proceed with the investigation of a variance. 14 property owners were in favor of proceeding, and 7 were against it.
10) Schedule
a) Annual Meeting Date: Thursday, Sept. 16, 6:30 p.m. (“on or about Sept. 15th”)
b) Board Meetings: Second Monday of each month, 7 pm, Monument Sanitation District board room, 130 2nd Street, Monument.
c) Other Events – July 4th Potluck?
11) Any Other Business
Gladys Perry distributed a petition concerning the addition of a 4 way stop at Baptist/Hodgen and Roller Coaster Road.
12) Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm.
Feb. 18, 2010: Submitted by David Nix.
March 8, 2010: Approved by the board for submission to the membership.
September 16, 2010: Approved at the Annual Meeting