Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2009
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Commence Meeting at 7:00PM with determination of quorum
Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm. Mike, John and David in attendance.
1) Approval of the agenda
Mike moved that we approve the agenda. David seconded. All approved.
2) Excuse absenses
Mike moved that we approved the absense of both Duane and Chris. David seconded. All approved.
3) Review and approval of Dec. 8, 2008 board meeting minutes, if available
David moved that we approve the Dec 8, 2008 minutes. Mike seconded. All approved.
4) Confirmation of Rules and Regulations Version 4
The wording of the Dec 8 changes were reviewed. The BTPOA web site will be updated with the new version of the PDF file.
5) Voting Proxy Form
We reviewed the proxy form. Mike will prepare a new draft.
6) Hearings
No hearings were held.
7) ACC Report
The ACC did not meet today.
8) Treasurer’s Report
a) Draft 2009 Budget
Mike made a motion to approve the proposed budget. David seconded. All approved.
b) Preparation for Budget Meeting, Feb 12
We reviewed the invitation letter and discussed meeting location.
c) Approve Red Oak invoice
David moved to approve the Red Oak invoice. Mike seconded. All approved.
d) Review Red Oak contract
David moved to approve the Red Oak contract. Mike seconded. All approved.
9) Committee Reports
a) Beautification, Trails & Roads: BOD Liason – Duane Fitch – John Stahl, Chair
b) Communications, Directory, and Web Site: BOD Liaison - David Nix – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair
The web site has successfully been moved to a new ISP.
c) Covenant Compliance: Liaison - Duane Fitch – Bill Owens, Chair
d) Covenant Rewrite: BOD Liaison - Mike Mastrodonato
Mike plans to meet with the rewrite committee. The committee will provide an update at the Feb 12 Budget meeting.
e) Engineering & Water Augmentation: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – CONTACT _Con-3FDDB4D2B5D \c \s \l Jerry Lopez, Chair
f) Forest Management: BOD Liaison – David Nix - Larry Stevens, Chair - Set date for inspection, Hanger production, Email notification
g) Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming: BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson – K. Wayne Claybaugh, Chair
10) Future Meeting Schedule: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, Budget Meeting Feb. 12, Mar. 9, Apr. 13, May 11, June 8, July 13, Aug. 10, Sep. 14, Annual Meeting Sep. 17, Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Dec. 14. We need to publish the master schedule for the covenant rewrite also.
11) Any other business - Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
12) Summary of action items
Mike – Complete proxy form.
John – Complete notice for annual meeting. Mail annual meeting and proxy form to members.
John – Talk to Red Oak to confirm contract.
John – Send revised Rules & Regs document to Steve for posting.
Steve – Send list of names and addresses. Complete web site postings.
13) Adjournment
At 9:25pm, Mike moved to adjourn the meeting. David seconded. All approved.