Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2008
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Commence Meeting at 7:00PM with determination of quorum
Meeting commenced at 7:00pm with Chris, Duane, John, David, Mike and John Stahl present
1) Review and approval of Previous Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes
John moved too approve the prior meeting minutes, Chris seconded, all approved.
2) Hearing (none).
3) ACC Report: Patrice Stevens Or Mark
No report this week.
4) Treasurer’s Report: Chris Patterson
We still have two properties with outstanding HOA dues.
$150 fine payment from lot 120 is still oustanding.
a) Preparation for Budget meeting in Feb 2009
John and Chris will meet to discuss what needs to happen for the budget meeting.
b) Reviewed Jeanne’s bill
c) Reviewed Progress Report from Landscaper Ryan Patterson. Handed over to John Stall.
5) Annual meeting rescheduling effort
We plan to continue the annual meeting on November 13th at 6:30 pm. Major topic would be the rewrite of the Filing I and II covenants, which is due in 2010.
David moved to approve the purchase of refreshments, John seconded, all approved.
Door prizes will be presented. David to investigate this.
6) Committee Reports
a) BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS: BOD Liaison – Larry Stevens – John Stahl CC
i. Lights
ii. Removal of orbs
Duane moved that we authorize up to $6500 for trail upgrades on Higby between Colonial Parkway entrances. John seconded, all approved.
c) COVENANT COMPLIANCE: Liaison - Duane Fitch – Bill Owens CC
i. Need to update the Web Site naming Bill as CCC
d) COVENANT REWRITE: BOD Liaison and CC - Mike Mastrodonato
i. Recruiting effort for representative from Filing 1 and Filing 2.
e) DIRECTORY AND WEBMASTER: Liaison - David Nix – Steve Fuhrmann CC
i. Do we publish the Directory
f) ENGINEERING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – CONTACT _Con-3FDDB4D2B5D \c \s \l Jerry Lopez CC
g) FOREST MANAGEMENT: BOD Liaison –Larry Stevens - ? CC
h) NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson
i) ROADS BOD Liaison - - Al CONTACT _Con-3FDDB4D2C43 \c \s \l Thaut Al CC
j) WATER AUGMENTATION: BOD Liaison – John Heiser - Jerry Lopez CC
i. Excel help (There have been volunteers)
ii. Meter readings
k) WELCOMING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser - Wayne Claybaugh CC
7) Future Board Meeting schedule November 10th
8) Any other business - Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
9) Summary of action items
John moved to adjourn at 9:00pm, Chris seconded, all approved.