Architectural Control Committee
Meeting began at 7:05 PM
1. Approve minutes for June Meeting / done
2. Deck Expansion for lot 133 / approved with stipulation
3. Storage shed for lot 209 / owner postponed submitting request
4. Storage shed for lot 219 / need paperwork
5. Storage shed for lot 72/ requested walk around of lot
6. Storage shed for lot 12 / need paperwork before we can approve
7. Review current construction projects / seem on target. Will resend letter to Mr. Fliese regarding new construction at 1120 Scottswood.
8. Any new business/requests? Discussed issues regarding sheds with Board of Directors, decided we need to maintain some standards but that sheds need to be of good construction and match the color of the house, but do not necessarily need to be the same product (i.e. stucco vs. wood.)
Meeting adjourned at 7:30