Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2008

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument


Commence Meeting at 7:00PM with determination of quorum


Called to order at 7:00pm, Duane, Larry, Chris, John & David in attendance

Motion to approve agenda by Chris, Second by John, all approved


1)        Review and approval of Previous Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes

Motion for approval of draft minutes by Larry with modifications as noted, John seconded, all approved.

2)        Hearing(s) there are 0 at time of publication.

3)        ACC Report:  Patrice Stevens

Ok’d driveway paving request for lot 14.

Driveway request for lot 167 put on hold waiting for more information.

Reviewed storage shed request for lot 34

Ok’d garage door & deck for lot 83

Ok’d landscape request for lot 185

Ok’d landscape irrigation reduction for lot 148

4)        Committee Reports

a)      DIRECTORY AND WEBMASTER:  BOD Liaison - David Nix – Steve Fuhrmann CC   Scheduled for 7:10 with Water Augmentation

Due to problems with our former web hosting service, our website has been registered under a new URL:

Dave Hollenbach will work with Steve and Jerry Lopez to prototype a way for residents to enter meter readings and submit them via the web.

b)      WATER AUGMENTATION:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser  - Jerry Lopez CC

No update – Jerry could not attend today’s meeting.

                                                  i.      Web reporting

                                                ii.      Update on card response

                                              iii.      Communication to members?

c)      BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS:  BOD Liaison – Larry Stevens  – John Stahl CC

                                                  i.      Update on trail

Larry Stevens to ask John to present a plan at the July board meeting.

                                                ii.      Update on entrances –

John Stahl plans to get quotes for the entrance work soon.

Larry Stevens to ask John to present a plan at the July board meeting.

d)      COVENANT COMPLIANCE:  BOD Liaison - Duane Fitch -  Bill Owens

We are still looking for committee members.

e)      ENGINEERING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez CC

Per John Heiser, Jerry plans to do an inspection this year.

f)       FOREST MANAGEMENT:  BOD Liaison –Larry Stevens - John Anderson CC

Larry will talk to John to determine a go forward plan to address forest management issues.

g)      NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH:  BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson

No update.

h)      BTPOA COMMUNICATIONS:  BOD Liaison – David Nix

No update.

                                                  i.      Trash status

1.      Roll off bins

2.      Number signed up and goal

                                                ii.      Water reminder

i)        WELCOMING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser - Wayne Claybaugh CC

No update.

5)        Treasurer’s Report: Chris Patterson

Two letters received from the IRS for a small amount owed and a form not submitted properly.  Chris will contact our accountant.

Only 3 lot owners left who are delinquent on their yearly dues.  David moved to instruct our attorney to file lien, Larry seconded, all approved.

John Heiser moved to approve  check for $119.98 to Dsoft Technology for web hosting.Larry seconded, all approved.

John Heiser moved to approve check for $658.06 for Red Oak, Larry seconded, all approved.

6)        Future Board Meeting schedule:  JULY 14th, AUG. 11th   SEPT 8th

7)        Annual meeting Wednesday September 10th

a)      Agenda – Duane Fitch

Possible agenda items:  Water, Forest Management, Trash, Website, Road Maintance, Election of Officers, Approval of prior meeting minutes

b)      Social & Door Prizes – Duane Fitch

c)      Food and Drink – Chris Patterson

d)      Sign up sheet – Steve Furhmann

e)      Announcement

We plan to send via US mail a meeting announcement approx. 1 month prior to the meeting.  We also plan to email the meeting announcement, and place roadside signs prior to the meeting.

8)        Any other business


9)        Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda


10)    Summary of action items

See above.

11)    Executive session per state statute CRS 38-33.3-308 (4) (f)

Went into Executive session at 9:04pm.

Board decided to contact  our attorney Lebel.  No action was taken.

Left executive session at 9:29pm.

Larry  made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm.  Chris  seconded, all approved.