Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2008

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument


Commence Meeting at 7:00PM with determination of quorum


Meeting commenced at 7:10pm Duane, John, Larry, Chris, David

Approval of prior meetings minutes


1)        Review and approval of Previous Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes

Minutes approved pending addition of Treasurer’s report.  Larry moved to approve the minutes, Duane seconded, all approved.

2)        Hearing: None scheduled

a)      Reading of the violation.

b)      Hearing from the property owner or representative.

c)      Board questions and answer period.

d)      BOD to executive session.

e)      BOD return to open session

f)       Reading of the BOD’s decision.

3)        ACC Report:  Patrice Stevens

Patrice Stevens and Mark Wester attended the meeting.

Discussed enforcement of various ACC covenants and processes.

Issues on walk through of lot #52.  ACC will follow up with the builder.

Lot #26 Fence issue has been resolved.

Approved roof request for lot #58.

Still looking for a third person to join the committee.

ACC to contact Lot #122 regarding painting and ramp removal.

4)        Treasurer’s Report: Chris Patterson

Chris is continuing to research certificate of deposit rates.

Chris requested the approval of $520.84 for Red Oak Associates.  John moved to approve, David seconded, all approved.

5)        Committee Reports

a)      BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS:  BOD Liaison – Larry Stevens  – John Stahl CC

b)      COVENANT COMPLIANCE:  BOD Liaison - Duane Fitch CC

Larry moved that we pay Red Oak Associates$175 for 3.5 hours extra time required.  John seconded, all approved.

c)      DIRECTORY AND WEBMASTER:  BOD Liaison - David Nix – Steve Fuhrmann CC

Steve Furhmann reported that he and Steve Prileszky met to discuss web enabling the meter reading.

d)      ENGINEERING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez CC

Jerry Lopez reported that approximately 80% of the lot owners have responded to the water survey.

e)      FOREST MANAGEMENT:  BOD Liaison –Larry Stevens - John Anderson CC

Larry will contact John to see if we have any plans for foreset management information communication.

f)       NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH:  BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson

g)      BTPOA COMMUNICATIONS:  BOD Liaison – David Nix

h)      WATER AUGMENTATION:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser  - Jerry Lopez CC

i)        WELCOMING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser - Wayne Claybaugh CC

6)        Future Board Meeting schedule

June 9 is the date of the next board meeting.

The date of the BTPOA annual meeting is Sept 11.  Location is at “The Barn”, Woodmoor drive.

The date of the annual budget meeting is February 12, 2009.    Location is at “The Barn”.

7)        Any other business

John will follow up with our Insurance agent to ensure that we are properly covered.

8)        Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda

Debbie Maser requested the status of an April Hearing.  Results were shared.


9)        Summary of action items

10:18pm Larry  moved to Adjourn, Chris seconded, all approved.