Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 14, 2007
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Commence Meeting at 7:00PM with determination of quorum
Present: John, Larry, Duane, Chris, David
1) Review and approval of Previous Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes
Accepted February 21 2008 meeting notes
John – Motion to approve March 3, 2008 meeting notes as amended. All approved voting Aye.
2) Hearing(s) there are 3.
Hearing 1 – Violation – Noise Barking Dog
Larry move that we respond to the parties involved that we are taking no action at this time due to the age of the reported issue as well as the fact that the nuisance seems to be mitigated or reduced. Chris Seconds – All approve.
Hearing 2 – Vehicle Parking
David to send a letter to homeowners and interested parties.
Hearing 3 – Noise
David to send a letter to homeowners and interested parties.
Other Red Oak items
1) Red Oak questioned whether holiday lights left up after a reasonable
period should be considered a nuisance. John moves that this not be considered
a nuisance, Larry seconds, 4 yeah, 1 abstain.
2) John moved that we skip the Red Oak covenant enforcement tour this month, David seconds, 4 yeah, 1 abstain.
3) ACC Report: Patrice Stevens
Patrice provided a report of the April 14 meeting.
4) Treasurer’s Report: Chris Patterson
Chris to provide.
John moved that allow Chris to select the bank using his best judgement to get a good interest rate for our CDs. Duane seconded, 4 yeah, 1 abstain (Chris).
John moved that we pay $910.53 for mailing for the water. Duane second, 4 yeah, 1 abstain.
5) Committee Reports
a) BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS: BOD Liaison – David Nix – John Stahl CC
b) COVENANT COMPLIANCE: BOD Liaison - Duane Fitch
c) DIRECTORY AND WEBMASTER: BOD Liaison – David Nix -- Steve Fuhrmann CC
d) ENGINEERING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez CC
e) FOREST MANAGEMENT: BOD Liaison –Larry Stevens - John Anderson CC
f) NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson
h) WATER AUGMENTATION: BOD Liaison – John Heiser - Jerry Lopez CC
i) WELCOMING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser - Wayne Claybaugh CC
6) Future Board Meeting schedule
Next meeting May 12th.
7) Any other business
8) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
It was a brought to the boards’s attention that a motocross track had been constructed on lot #18. The matter will be relayed to Red Oaks.
9) Summary of action items
David to draft hearing letters.
11:00pm John motion to adjourn, Larry second, all yeah