Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2007
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Attendees: Board Members: Duane Fitch, John Heiser, Tom Hilfers, Chris Patterson
Others: Jerry Lopez, Steve Fuhrmann, John Stahl, Donna & Jerry Wagner, Mark & Elizabeth Woish, Mike& Tracy Hicks, Melanie Oliver, Dan Bossie, Sharlene Churchill, Bill Dunston, Bill & Linda McDonald, Gerald Neufeld, Dave Humbert, Debbi Radke, Char Armstrong, Rick Olson, Andy & Anna Reid, John Anderson, Jeanne Thomas
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM with Duane Fitch presiding.
1) “Robert’s Rules of Order” was reviewed by John Heiser. The agenda was approved and Chris Patterson was appointed as temporary Secretary.
2) Approval of 8 October, 2007 Board Minutes. Motion to approve was made and seconded. Minutes were approved.
3) Approval of 13 September, 2007 Annual Membership meeting minutes. Motion to approve was made. John Heiser made a recommendation to remove “…as well as be paid…” from the minutes. Board members agreed and the minutes were approved as amended.
4) ACC Report: Tom Hilfers reported that Lot 50 plans had been completed and a meeting with the owners would be set up soon. Construction on Lot 4 had been completed and checked so the $450 deposit could be returned to the owners. On Lot 165 the new septic system looked good however the pillars at the entrance did not appear to be in compliance with covenants so Tom said he would stop by and check.
5) Treasurer’s Report: NEPCO bill of $45.00 has been paid in addition to this month’s electrical bill. The Certificates of Deposit have been renewed. All paperwork has been completed transferring the treasurer’s responsibilities to Chris Patterson.
6) Committee Reports:
a) Beautification and Trails: John Stahl reported that Sullivan Landscaping had not completed work on the trail as per the contract. The remaining amount due has not been paid. Phone calls to rectify the problem have gone unreturned. Plan is to send a certified letter and allow a chance to respond. The next action to be considered is to take the company to small claims court. Looking ahead the committee is looking for ideas of improvements to all Bent Tree entrances.
Duane Fitch stated that Tri-Lakes Disposal has agreed pickup tin/aluminum and newspapers to help meet the concerns of property owners who wish to continue recycling efforts. The number of homeowners necessary to get a reduced cost is approx 180, with about 108 currently having Tri-Lakes service. Need to publicize this service to new and current property owners with a focus on safety, appearance and cost.
b) Covenant Compliance: No report.
c) Directory and Webmaster: Duane Fitch thanked both Steve Fuhrmann and Debbi
Maser for all they have done in keeping the web and directory up to date.
d) Engineering Report: Jerry Lopez reported that the Bent Tree drainage is
delinquent for 2007 but will be completed.
e) Forest Management: John Anderson reported that it had been a good year for the
Bent Tree forest. Property owners have been quick to address Pine Beetle problems and
most have done a good job at clearing property of fire hazards.
f) Neighborhood Watch: Chris Patterson reported that the sexual offender, Paul
Huberty, was still in Hawaii and he would continue to monitor to ensure he “re-registers”
with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office upon his return.
g) BTPOA Communication: No report.
h) Water Augmentation: Jerry Lopez reported that this year’s report to the Water Board showed that Bent Tree used 15% less water usage than reported last year. He also reported that the average irrigated area in the neighborhood was 1486 sq ft. He still had difficulty obtaining meter readings in a timely manner and proposed an email or other type of system that would notify/remind those with meters that a reading was due. He also discussed the need to obtain accurate irrigated square footage from homeowners and proposed the use of someone in the summer to obtain these measurements. During some of the discussion Debbie Radke volunteered to join the Water Augmentation Committee. In closing, Jerry pointed out that the community did a tremendous job in reducing water usage but we do need to improve our processes to obtain the necessary data with which to communicate to the state engineer.
Dan Bossie then spoke for a number of the metered homeowners who had recently received a letter from the Board describing what actions need to be taken for those lots opting to retain in excess of 2000 sq ft of irrigated area. His points were:
1) If the 34 metered lots are compliant don’t meter more
2) No meter readers would be allowed on their property – no trespassing
3) Supported need to obtain accurate data. Recommended use of web or fill in a post card prepared by and provided by the Board.
4) Owners want to read the meters themselves
Suggested metered lot owners be provided prepaid cards to be mailed quarterly. If not complied with…then the owners should be “whacked.”
Duane Fitch appreciated the comments and asked that the metered lots “self-police” themselves and the 40 other lots that are in excess of the 2000 sq ft limit.
Bill Dunston also offered to volunteer to help alleviate this problem and offer his advise to any homeowners.
John Heiser made a motion that we monitor water usage via prepaid post cards:
1) Those metered lots with under 2000 sq ft of irrigated area would received 4 cards and report quarterly (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct).
2) Those metered lots with over 2000 sq st of irrigated area would receive 8 cards and report (Jan/Apr/May/Jun/Jul/Aug/Sep/Oct).
3) Cards not received within 2 weeks of the established due date would be considered a covenant violation.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Water metered residents were pleased with the discussion and outcome.
In closing this agenda item Duane Fitch did chastise those homeowners who mistreated and verbally abused Debbi Maser who had gone out of her way to call each of them and explain that the Board letters had been sent out mistakenly before finally approval. Some of the homeowners countered that the Board had responded in poor form to some of their concerns.
Tom Hilfers had another commitment and departed the meeting at 9:45 PM.
i) Welcoming: No report.
7) Hearing: Jeanne Thomas presented pictures and other documents supporting claims of covenant parking violations at the property of Mr Bill Dunston on Colonial Park. Mr Dunston stated that once his boat is moved he will be able to park the extra vehicle inside the garage. He will also screen another parking spot. The board found him guilty of 5 violations and ordered a $500 fine with 90 percent suspended pending a recheck of the property on 8 Dec. Mr Dunston paid the remaining 10 percent ($50) in cash to the treasurer, Chris Patterson.
Jeanne also asked about time limits for construction and was informed by John Heiser that the covenants allow a home owner 9 months to complete a project.
8) Future Board Meeting: 10 Dec 2007
9) Any other business: None
10) Resident Remarks: None
11) Summary of Action Items: None
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM
Minutes prepared by Chris Patterson, BTPOA Board Member, 12/09/07
Minutes approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting 12/09/07