Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

August 13th, 2007

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument


Attendees:  Board Members:  Duane Fitch, John Heiser, Tom Hilfers, Chris Patterson, Debbi Maser

Others:  Steve Fuhrmann, Jerry Lopez, Camilla and Herb Wetzel


1)        Review and approval of July 9th, 2007 Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes

a)      Motion was made by Duane Fitch to approve the July 9th, 2007, Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes with minor changes; seconded by Chris Patterson, and all votes in favor.

2)        Hearing(s) if any

a)      Red Oaks Associates had sent a hearing notice to owners regarding repeated parking violations.  The hearing notice was read by the BOD, stating the owners had received several letters but had not corrected the problem.  Owners were provided opportunity to present their case and ask questions before the BOD went to executive session to make decision.  Ruling by the BOD was that, in accordance with Bent Tree Covenants and Rules and Regulations, the owners were fined $100 for their parking violation, however, the fine was suspended if the owners met the ACC requirements and completed their current screening project within 30 days, which will be verified by the ACC.

b)      Red Oaks Associates had sent a hearing notice to owners regarding repeated and sustained parking of their RV on their property.  The owners were not, and did not need to be, present for the hearing.  The hearing notice was read by the BOD, stating the owners had been cited previously and had received several letters but had not corrected the problem.  Ruling by the BOD was that, in accordance with Bent Tree Covenants and Rules and Regulations, the owners were fined $200 per day for each of three photographed violations (even though the RV had been parked continuously), for a total fine of $600.

3)        Water Survey Status 

a)      Jerry Lopez presented status of owner surveys of irrigated square footage.  There have been 200 responses, with 2 lots to be built, leaving 55 lots that had not responded.  August 13th, 2007:  Action for Debbi Maser to coordinate with Jerry Lopez to draft letter to mail to all lots outstanding with requirement to respond by 8/31/07 and if not, owners would be sent notice of covenant violation and hearing notice.  COMPLETED.

b)      Additional discussion regarding defining fine structure for lots that exceed the 2000 sf limit of irrigated space to be incorporated into the revised Rules and Regulations (R&R’s).  The fines imposed would be on a scaled approach, e.g., the greater the over-usage, the higher the fine, with the potential for the fines to double if the over-usage was not corrected by the next year.  The BOD also decided that fines would be imposed for lots that did not install a meter, if required.  There will be extensive discussion of the importance of Bent Tree to manage its water usage, per lot, in accordance with our court decree, at the September 2007 Annual Meeting, to include Bent Tree’s requirements and penalties for non-compliance.

4)        Preparation for Annual Meeting in September

a)      Duane presented a draft overview of topics to be included on the agenda.  August 13th, 2007:  Action for Debbi Maser to book the Woodmoor Barn for September 13th, 2007.   August 13th, 2007:  Action for Debbi Maser to prepare notification letter to mail to all owners NLT 08/29/07. 

5)        ACC Report:  Tom Hilfers

a)      June 11th, 2007: Action for Steve Fuhrmann to post Dr. Hatfield’s name and contact info on the website.  Completed.

b)      June 11th, 2007: Suggestion to post specific requirements from Colorado and Federal law regarding flag display on the website.  Completed

c)      Various ACC activities in process:

                                                  i.      Lot 12 – Pond approved

                                                ii.      Lot 52 – Building underway

                                              iii.      Lot 121 – New Roof

                                              iv.      Lot 161 – No contact has been made with ACC and no plans have been submitted.  Action for Tom / ACC to contact owner and resolve.

                                                v.      Lot 165 – Septic system has not been approved.  Action for Tom / ACC to contact owner and resolve.  Occupancy will not be approved until this is completed.

                                              vi.      Resident concerns regarding construction damage on Embassy Ct. referred to El Paso County for repair.

6)        Treasurer’s Report: Debbi Maser

a)      One lot that was delinquent on annual dues for 2007 paid, but only included two months late fees.  BOD decision was not to pursue total late fees.

b)      Bills paid:

                                                  i.      Ck #2336, 7/9/07 – Reimbursement (No Fireworks signs) $136.01

                                                ii.      Ck #2337 7/9/07 -- BOD Meeting $15.00

                                              iii.      Ck #23368 7/10/07 – Reimbursement Welcoming Committee $15.23

                                              iv.      Ck #2339 7/10/07 – Reimbursement Welcoming Committee $71.48

                                                v.      Ck #2340 7/12/07 – Red Oaks $652.50

                                              vi.      Ck #2341 7/21/07  – Mt. View Electric

                                            vii.      Ck #2342 7/21/07 – VOID for Mt. View Electric to set up auto-pay

                                          viii.      Ck #2343 7/21/07 – Lebel bill1 $114.11

                                              ix.      Ck #2344 7/25/07 – Nolan Gookin (BTPOA Accountant for tax prep) $150.00

                                                x.      Ck #2345 7/27/07 – Colorado Dept of Revenue (taxes) $96.00

c)      Bills approved to pay:

                                                  i.      Justin Armstrong (41 hrs) $451.00

                                                ii.      Red Oaks, CCC - $1342.50

                                              iii.      Pinnacol Insurance - $339.00

                                              iv.      Reimbursement for mailing of outstanding water survey letters - $72.30

d)      Deposits made:

                                                  i.      $512.00:

1.      $370.00 Hearing Fine

2.      $92.00 annual dues (two months late fee)

3.      $50.00 Lot 52 (HOA Title change fee)

e)      October 9th, 2006: Debbi Maser to replace Kathy Decker as the Bent Tree “registered agent.”  In process. 

7)        Committee Reports

a)      BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS:  BOD Liaison - Tom Hilfers – John Stahl CC

                                                  i.      The BOD expressed dissatisfaction with the work that was contracted for trail enhancements.   There has been no visible progress, work to be done has not been completed, and there were concerns regarding payment of $2500 but not receiving / seeing the expected improvements.  July 9th, 2007:  Action for Tom to contact John Stahl to follow up on this and bring status and resolution to next BOD meeting.

                                                ii.      Discussion regarding Justin asking if he should mow / clear the entrances as done in years past.  June 11th, 2007: Action for Tom Hilfers to contact him to proceed.

                                              iii.      Discussion regarding landscaping maintenance and / or additional future work needed.  June 11th, 2007: Action for Tom Hilfers to work with the Beautification and Trails Committee to define needs and budget requirements.

                                              iv.      Steve Fuhrmann stated that the Scottswood entrance off 105 needs to have some wood cleared.  June 11th, 2007: Action for Tom Hilfers to resolve this.

b)      COVENANT COMPLIANCE:  BOD Liaison - Duane Fitch / Jim Maser CC

                                                  i.      One lot needs help with removal of a satellite dish.  June 11th, 2007: Action for Dr. Hatfield to work with owner to resolve this.

                                                ii.      Multiple lots have dead trees on them.  BOD discussion and decision that dead trees are a nuisance and detract from the beauty of Bent Tree and that they need to be removed by the owners.  June 11th, 2007: Action for CCC to notify Red Oak to send notices to owners with dead trees of this decision by the BOD, and that owners may contact the BOD if they need help removing dead trees.  Red Oak notified; letters in process.

c)      DIRECTORY AND WEBMASTER:  BOD Liaison / Debbi Maser – Steve Fuhrmann CC

d)      ENGINEERING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser

e)      FOREST MANAGEMENT:  BOD Liaison – Tom Hilfers / John Anderson CC

                                                  i.      Steve Furhmann stated that he would like to post forestry information on the website, to include a PDF of a forest management plan, links to Colorado websites on forest management, Bent Trees goals and objectives, “Help” or “How to” reference information for owners, and also an annual report on the health of the forest around us.  June 11th, 2007: Tom Hilfers took action to contact John Anderson to gather some of this information and provide to Steve to post on website.  Completed.

f)       NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH:  BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson

g)      BTPOA COMMUNICATIONS:  BOD Liaison – Debbi Maser

                                                  i.      Do we want to do a fall mailing of a Bent Tree Log?  Yes, we will plan on sending one out to include the minutes from the Annual Meeting.

h)      WELCOMING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser / Wayne Claybaugh CC

                                                  i.      June 11th, 2007: Action for John Heiser to work with the Water Augmentation Committee and the Welcoming Committee to meet with new owners to explain that it is a covenant violation if there is more than 2000 sf irrigated space on the property and that water usage is based on 124,800 gallons annual usage. Duane to work with the Welcoming Committee to ensure new owners are aware that if they have purchased one of the 36 reportable lots, an externally readable meter is required to be installed at owner’s expense if it not already done.

8)        R&R recommended changes

a)      Bring your concerns and suggestions to the BOD meeting.

b)      June 11th, 2007: In addition to various actions cited above for specific updates needed, John Heiser took an action to identify other sections of the R&Rs that need to be updated. July 9th, 2007:  Proposed changes were identified and motion was made by John Heiser and seconded by Chris Patterson, and all votes in favor of incorporating the suggested changes into the R&Rs.

9)        Future Board Meeting schedule

a)      Next BOD Meeting is scheduled for September 10th, 2007, at 7:00pm, at the Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

10)    Any other business

11)    Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda


Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm

Minutes prepared by Debbi Maser, BTPOA Secretary / Treasurer, 08/26/07

Minutes approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting 9/10/07