Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
June 11th, 2007
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Attendees: Board Members: Duane Fitch, John Heiser, Tom Hilfers, Debbi Maser
Others: Steve Fuhrmann
Meeting was called to order at 7:05PM with Duane Fitch presiding.
1) Review and approval of May 14h 2007 Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes
a) Motion was made by Chris Patterson and seconded by John Heiser and all votes in favor of approving the minutes.
2) ACC Report: Tom Hilfers
a) Dr. Dave Hatfield has volunteered to fill the vacancy on the ACC. Action for Steve Fuhrmann to post Dr. Hatfield’s name and contact info on the website.
b) Various ACC activities are in process, to include garage and fence construction, question re. re-stucco on Lot 207, and an external water meter needs to be installed on one of the required lots.
c) ACC question regarding installation of permanent flag poles and discussion re. requirement that if flags are displayed at night, lighting is required. Suggestion to post specific requirements from Colorado and Federal law on the website.
3) Treasurer’s Report: Debbi Maser
a) Two lots (72 and 198) have not paid the annual dues
b) Extensive discussion on foreclosure situation with Lot 198. Documentation has been provided to Lebel regarding Bent Tree’s position with outstanding debts and where BTPOA is in the order of settlement (if any). The BOD reiterated its responsibility is to make decisions and take actions to uphold, enhance and maintain property values in Bent Tree for the benefit of all the owners in Bent Tree, and therefore we need to pursue recovery of debt owed (approximately $2000 plus legal fees) unless it is not financially prudent to continue.
c) Bills paid since last summary:
i. Ck #2314, 4/9/2007 – BOD Meeting $15.00
ii. Ck #2316, 4/9/2007 – Reimbursement $1044.75
iii. Ck #2317, 4/19/2007 – Postage $97.50
iv. Ck #2318, 4/20/2007 – Sullivan Landscaping $2500.00
v. Ck #2319, 4/21/2007 – BOD Meeting $15.00
vi. Ck #2320, 5/3/2007 – WIA $85.00
vii. Ck # 2321, 5/3/2007 – WIA $100.00
viii. Ck #2322, 5/2/2007 – Red Oak $500.00
ix. Ck #2323, 5/11/2007 – Mt View Electric $31.00
x. Ck #2324, 5/11/2007 – Hartford Insurance $670.00
xi. Ck # 2325, 5/11/2007 – Newsletter $35.06
xii. Ck #2326 VOID
xiii. Ck #2327, 5/14/2007 – BOD Meeting $15.00
xiv. Ck #2328, 5/25/2007 – Mt View Electric $32.62
xv. Ck # 2329, 5/31/2007 – Reimbursement $526.64
xvi. Ck #2330 VOID
xvii. Ck #2331, 6/6/2007 – Red Oak $497.50
xviii. Ck #2332, 6/11/2007 – Reimbursement $94.40
d) Deposits made:
i. 4/16/2007 - $102.00 for HOA fees and Annual dues
ii. 5/14/2007 - $264.00 for HOA fees and Annual dues
iii. 5/23/2007 - $50.00 for HOA fees
iv. 6/8/2007 - $100.00 for HOA fees
e) Mail Pick-up:
i. Past due notice for Hartford Insurance – called and they had received payment (Ck #2334)
ii. Warranty Deed dated May 1st, 2007 from MARSHALL to KRUSE for Lot 185, 17310 Colonial Park Dr.
iii. Warranty Deed dated May 1st, 2007 from CLEARSTONE PROPERTIES LLP to KRUSE for Lot 186, 17310 Colonial Park Dr.
iv. Warranty Deed dated May 22nd, 2007 from ZARK HOMES (Zarkovacki) to RESTANIO/MASTRANGELO for Lot 246, 1320 Boldmere Ct.
v. Foreclosure notice for Broeker property from Castle Meihhold & Stawiarski, LLC
vi. Public Trustee’s Notice of Rights to Cure and Redeem for Broeker property
vii. EL PASO COUNTY Notice of Hearing June 12th, 2007 for Broeker property
viii. Pinnacol Assurance Workers’ Compensation Statement (total balance due $0.00)
ix. Irrigation survey from Smith, 17240 Colonial Park Dr.
x. Irrigation survey from Wagner, Lot 206 with letter
xi. Irrigation survey from Reeg, 1145 Cambrook
xii. Irrigation survey from Hostetler, 17215 Colonial Park Dr.
xiii. Returned certified mail to Clearstone Properties for past due dues (OBE)
f) Renewal of CDs: BTPOA has four CDs, two of which matured on 5/19 and the other two matured on 5/28. Renewed all four CDs for another five months (mature in October 2007).
4) Committee Reports
a) BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS: BOD Liaison - Tom Hilfers – John Stahl CC
i. Lot 226 has fixed the drainage problem on the trail off Queensmere
ii. Discussion regarding Justin asking if he should mow / clear the entrances as done in years past. Action for Tom Hilfers to contact him to proceed.
iii. Discussion regarding landscaping maintenance and / or additional future work needed. Action for Tom Hilfers to work with the Beautification and Trails Committee to define needs and budget requirements.
iv. Steve Fuhrmann stated that the Scottswood entrance off 105 needs to have some wood cleared. Tom Hilfers took action to resolve this.
v. Sullivan Landscaping has done the first grading for trail improvements and will be doing the culvert on Viscount. Sullivan has been paid $2500 for work completed to date.
b) COVENANT COMPLIANCE: BOD Liaison - Duane Fitch / Jim Maser CC
i. Summary of violations cited this past month was provided.
ii. Multiple violations have not been cured. Action for CCC to notify Red Oaks to send hearing notices to the owners of unresolved violations for the next BOD meeting.
iii. One lot needs help with removal of a satellite dish. Action for Dave Hatfield to work with owner to resolve this.
iv. Multiple lots have dead trees on them. BOD discussion and decision that dead trees are a nuisance and detract from the beauty of Bent Tree and that they need to be removed by the owners. Action for CCC to notify Red Oak to send notices to owners with dead trees of this decision by the BOD, and that owners may contact the BOD if they need help removing dead trees.
v. Action for Steve Fuhrmann to post “no fireworks permitted in Bent Tree” on the website.
vi. Action for Debbi Maser to send reminder letters from the BOD to owners who had violations cited last July.
c) DIRECTORY AND WEBMASTER: BOD Liaison / Debbi Maser – Steve Fuhrmann CC
i. Debbi will continue to send any address changes she receives to the Welcoming Committee and to Steve for updating the online directory and to Red Oak for letters she may have to send.
ii. Steve Fuhrmann will continue to be the “master” source of Bent Tree mailing list.
iii. Discussion regarding BOD or BTPOA committee access to information using the lot number as the key search field. Need to determine what it would take to set up search engine tools for this.
d) ENGINEERING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser
e) FOREST MANAGEMENT: BOD Liaison – Tom Hilfers / John Anderson CC
i. Steve Furhmann stated that he would like to post forestry information on the website, to include a PDF of a forest management plan, links to Colorado websites on forest management, Bent Trees goals and objectives, “Help” or “How to” reference information for owners, and also an annual report on the health of the forest around us. Tom Hilfers took action to contact John Anderson to gather some of this information and provide to Steve to post on website..
f) NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson
g) BTPOA COMMUNICATIONS: BOD Liaison – Debbi Maser
i. Discussion regarding value and importance of frequent communication with our community, and the BOD’s goal to increase communication, however there are concerns about the mailing costs associated with frequent mailings. Steve Fuhrmann shared the idea of sending email notices to owners whose email addresses are known “inviting” them to sign up to receive BOD communications via email. We can’t arbitrarily do this because of spam filters, but we’d prefer to send information via email to those who have email access if they’d accept the “invitation” to do so.
h) WATER AUGMENTATION: BOD Liaison – John Heiser / Jerry Lopez CC
i. Status of owner surveys of irrigated square footage. Action for Debbi to provide Jerry Lopez the surveys received. Completed.
ii. May 31st Property Owners Meeting Summary. Action for Debbi to provide Steve Fuhrmann the meeting summary notes to post on the website. Completed.
i) WELCOMING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser / Wayne Claybaugh CC
i. Action for John Heiser to work with the Water Augmentation Committee and the Welcoming Committee to meet with new owners to explain that it is a covenant violation if there is more than 2000 sf irrigated space on the property and that water usage is based on 124,800 gallons annual usage. John to also work with the Welcoming Committee to ensure new owners are aware that if they have purchased one of the 36 reportable lots, an externally readable meter is required to be installed at owner’s expense if it not already done.
5) Review action items from minutes of previous board meetings:
a) October 9th, 2006 Action Items:
i. Debbi Maser to replace Kathy Decker as the Bent Tree “registered agent.” Deferred until BTPOA files its annual statement.
b) May 14th 2007 Action Items:
i. Chris Patterson to prepare draft minutes Board of Directors Meeting April 21st, 2007. In process.
ii. John Heiser to contact BTPOA lawyer regarding status / additions to lien on one property and to commence lien proceedings for the second property that is delinquent on dues. First property lien in process (Broeker), second property info (Sakoi) to be provided to Lebel.
iii. Duane to get letters printed and mailed to all owners by May 16th for the May 31st Property Owners Meeting. Completed.
iv. Jerry Lopez to continue to contact owners of each lot that was sent a separate letter regarding meter readings showing upwards usage trends, and to follow-up with them to take additional measurements and to evaluate corrective actions. In process.
6) R&R recommended changes
a) In addition to various actions cited above for specific updates needed, John Heiser took an action to identify other sections of the R&Rs that need to be updated.
7) Future Board Meeting schedule
a) Next BOD Meeting is scheduled for July 9th, 2007, at 7:00pm, at the Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
8) Any other business
9) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
10) Hearing(s) if any
a) Reading of the violation. Notice of hearing regarding parking violations was read.
b) Hearing from the property owner or representative. Not present.
c) Board questions and answer period. None.
d) BOD to executive session.
e) BOD return to open session
f) Reading of the BOD’s decision. BOD decision was to enforce fine of $100 per day per vehicle since the second notice was sent to the owner. BOD to send notice to owner of record of the property and to the Bent Tree address (and cc Red Oak), notifying them fine amount due and that interest will be accrued at 1.5% per month the fine is unpaid, and that further violations will be fined accordingly. BOD to also provide this information to Lebel.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.
Minutes prepared by Debbi Maser, BTPOA Secretary / Treasurer, 6/30/07
Minutes approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting, 7/9/07