Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

May 14th, 2007

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument



Attendees:  Board Members:  Duane Fitch, John Heiser, Tom Hilfers, Debbi Maser

Others:  Jerry Lopez, Jim Maser, Wayne Tulley


Meeting was called to order at 7:05PM with Duane Fitch presiding.


1)        Reminder that we will use Robert’s Rules of Order.

2)        Review and approval of April 9th 2007 Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes

a)      Motion was made by John Heiser and seconded by Duane Fitch and all votes in favor of approving the minutes with one change.

3)        Board of Directors Meeting April 21st, 2007

a)      Chris Patterson took notes and has action to prepare draft minutes.

4)        ACC Report:  Tom Hilfers

a)      Bruce Bates attended an ACC meeting and tendered his resignation from the ACC because their house is for sale with sale pending.  A volunteer is needed to fill this slot.

b)      Current ACC activities include approvals for fencing and roofing, and answering questions regarding sheds and trees.

5)        Treasurer’s Report: Duane Fitch (Debbi had been on vacation)

a)      Duane Fitch to research owner for one lot for which mail keeps getting returned.  Completed.

b)      Duane Fitch to contact Mr. Gookin to obtain hard copies of BTPOA tax paperwork.  Completed.  Gookin filed a deferment per John’s direction and will complete the forms soon. 

c)      Debbi Maser to call the owners of the other two lots to remind them that payment must be received or we will have to notify our lawyer to commence lien process. Debbi contacted one owner who paid HOA dues and late fees.  One of the outstanding lots will have dues and penalties added to lien already on the property.  A motion was made by John Heiser and seconded by Duane Fitch and all votes were in favor that the delinquent dues and penalties on the other property need to be turned over to our lawyer to commence lien proceedings. John Heiser took the action to contact the BTPOA lawyer to proceed with these actions.

d)      Approval to pay insurance bill of $670.  Motion was made by Debbi and seconded by John, and all votes were in favor to pay.

e)      Approval to pay electric bill of $31.  Motion was made by John and seconded by Debbi and all votes were in favor to pay.

f)       Approval for reimbursement for printing / Kinkos.  Motion was made by John and seconded by Tom and all votes were in favor to pay.

g)      Maturity / rollover of CDs.  Duane will compare roll-over rates and roll over the CDs to the highest rate.

h)      Approval for reimbursement for background check on Red Oaks / Jeanne Thomas.  Motion was made by John and seconded by Duane and all votes were in favor to pay.

i)        Payment of $2500 was made for trail improvements.

6)        Committee Reports

a)      WATER AUGMENTATION:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser / Jerry Lopez CC

                                                  i.      Status of owner surveys of irrigated square footage.  Jerry Lopez stated that 65 of 257 lots had responded (~25%) and of these, 10% were over the authorized 2000 square feet.  For those lots that were over the allocated square footage of irrigated space, BTPOA is working with the owners, who have been asked to come up with corrective action plans.  Options include installing externally readable meters or to reduce the irrigated area.

                                                ii.      May 31st Property Owners Meeting preparation.  An owner education meeting is scheduled for May 31st and all owners are being asked to attend.  Items to be discussed include education, hard data and trend analysis, and steps to be taken to implement corrective action, to include modification to the BTPOA R&R’s to provide clarification and define penalties for non-compliance. Duane took action to get letters printed and mailed to all owners by May 16th.

                                              iii.      Jerry Lopez to personally contact owners of each lot that was sent a separate letter regarding meter readings showing upwards usage trends and to follow-up with them to take additional measurements and to evaluate corrective actions. Three of the fourteen lots have been contacted, and actions are in place to put in externally readable meters and to take more frequent meter reading to monitor trends.

b)      BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS:  BOD Liaison - Tom Hilfers – John Stahl CC

                                                  i.      Trail and entrances are being worked on.

c)      COVENANT COMPLIANCE:  BOD Liaison - Duane Fitch / Jim Maser CC

                                                  i.      Jim Maser to notify Jeanne (Red Oaks, LLC) that the CCC will review the letters before they are sent to the owners.  Completed

                                                ii.      Jim Maser to notify Jeanne and complete criminal background check online. Completed

                                              iii.      Discussion whether the BOD should identify potential ACC or covenant issues on homes for sale.  Decision was that the BTPOA cannot assume legal responsibility for identifying any and all non-compliance issues, but instead will continue to provide BTPOA ACC and covenant requirements information to buyers / brokers.

                                              iv.      Summary of violations cited and letters sent was provided.  Violations continue to be primarily cars parked outside, loose and / or barking dogs, and noise nuisances.

                                                v.      Due to her husband’s health issues, Jeanne had not sent hearing notice in time for hearing to be held at this BOD meeting.

d)      DIRECTORY AND WEBMASTER:  BOD Liaison / Debbi Maser – Steve Fuhrmann CC

                                                  i.      Debbi Maser to provide Steve Fuhrmann soft copies of the final minutes from the last BOD meeting as approved at this meeting, notes from the annual budget discussion as approved by the BOD, and letter that was included in the recent mailing asking owners for input on parking covenants.  Completed.

                                                ii.      Debbi Maser to provide Wayne Tully another copy of the parking input letter that had been included in the March mailing. Completed.

                                              iii.      Steve Fuhrmann to post an informational on the website to remind residents not to put food out that would attract the bear, including trashcans.  Completed.

e)      ENGINEERING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser

f)       FOREST MANAGEMENT:  BOD Liaison – Tom Hilfers / John Anderson CC

                                                  i.      NEPCO meeting notes sent out about fire hazard. 

g)      NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH:  BOD Liaison - Chris Patterson

h)      BTPOA COMMUNICATIONS:  BOD Liaison – Debbi Maser

                                                  i.      Duane asked Debbi to provide current mailing list in Excel for the mailing of the “Owner Education” invitation letter. Completed.

i)        WELCOMING:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser / Wayne Claybaugh CC

7)        Review action items from minutes of previous board meetings not covered above.

a)      October 9th, 2006 Action Items:

                                                  i.      Debbi Maser to replace Kathy Decker as the Bent Tree “registered agent.” Deferred until BTPOA files its annual statement. 

8)        R&R recommended changes

a)      Bring your concerns and suggestions to the BOD meeting.

9)        Future Board Meeting Schedule.  Next BTPOA BOD Meeting will be held June 11th, 2007, at 7:00pm at the Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

10)    Any other business.  None

11)    Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda

a)      Wayne Tully stated that he is working on his driveway entrance and mailbox and asked the ACC for a one-month extension, which was approved.

12)    Summary of action items

a)      Chris Patterson has action to prepare draft minutes Board of Directors Meeting April 21st, 2007.

b)      ACC has action to maintain records of all activities, to prepare minutes of ACC meetings, and to draft wording for the BTPOA R&Rs to be modified to include requirement for ACC records and minutes.

c)      John Heiser took the action to contact BTPOA lawyer regarding status / additions to lien on one property and to commence lien proceedings for the second property that is delinquent on dues.

d)     Duane took action to get letters printed and mailed to all owners by May 16th for the May 31st Property Owners Meeting.

e)      Jerry Lopez to continue to contact owners of each lot that was sent a separate letter regarding meter readings showing upwards usage trends, and to follow-up with them to take additional measurements and to evaluate corrective actions.

13)    Hearing(s) if any.  None; will be rescheduled for next BOD Meeting.



Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.

Minutes prepared by Debbi Maser, BTPOA Secretary / Treasurer, 5/28/07

Minutes approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting, 6/11/07