Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
February 12th, 2007
Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument
Attendees: Board Members: Duane Fitch, John Heiser, Tom Hilfers and Debbi Maser
Others: Steve Fuhrmann, Chris Patterson
Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with Duane Fitch presiding.
1) Review and approval of minutes of the January 15th 2007 Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes
a) Motion was made by John Heiser to approve the minutes with minor edits. Motion was seconded by Duane Fitch and unanimously approved.
2) ACC Report
a) Lot 165 has submitted $550 builders deposit to start construction.
3) Treasurer’s Report
a) Status of mailings for annual dues: Debbi has been tracking who has paid when, and has sent second notices to all lots that have not yet paid. Five payments have been received since the last meeting. Seven lots are still outstanding and out of those, two lots have come back as undeliverable and one lot is a new owner who had not been notified so Debbi has sent a courtesy letter. Refund of overpayment of $3 issued to one lot, and request for underpayment of $2 sent to another lot. Debbi had checked the El Paso website and there is a different address for one of the lots, so a notice will be sent to that address. One lot paid twice, so refund of $72 was sent to them.
b) Deposits:
i. Annual Dues payments - $5331
ii. CCC Fine - $150
iii. Lot 163 title change payments - $50
c) Payment of bills:
i. Lebel - $150
ii. Mt. View Electric - $38
iii. Refund of overpayment of dues: $3
iv. Red Oak - $285
v. Reimbursement to John Heiser - $120
vi. Monument Sanitation District (meeting room) - $15
vii. TriLakes printing, supplies and postage for mailing of Bent Tree Log package - $480.58
4) BOD Preparation for Annual Budget Meeting
a) Meeting will be held Thursday, February 15th, 2007 at the Woodmoor Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Dr.
b) John Heiser presented status on preparations for the meeting. Motion was made by Duane Fitch and seconded by John Heiser and unanimously approved for the following actions:
i. John and/or Debbi will get information from prior Treasurer, Bill McDonnell.
ii. John will revise budget to reflect deficit.
iii. John will provide final agenda to Duane.
iv. Steve Fuhrmann asked if there were any other agenda items besides the budget, and since agenda is planned to be as presented in the Budget Meeting Notice mailed to owners, he will post that agenda on website.
v. John will post signs at entrances to Bent Tree announcing the Budget Meeting.
vi. Duane will get refreshments.
vii. John will update the Owners’ Education / Welcome to Bent Tree slides to present before the budget meeting commences.
viii. Duane Fitch will remind Jeanne Thomas from Red Oak and Jim Maser designated to introduce her.
ix. Steve Fuhrmann volunteered to provide sign-in sheets for attendance and committee volunteers, and take the count to determine if we have a quorum.
5) Committee Reports
a) BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS - BOD Liaison Tom Hilfers: No report due to inclement weather. Tom took action to check with John Stahl on status as well as to check with him regarding clean-up activities that would be needed in the spring.
b) COVENANT COMPLIANCE -BOD Liaison Duane Fitch: Reviewed status report from Red Oak on lots where violations had been cited on an initial tour that were then verified as still being there on additional tours. Red Oak sent out 11 letters to owners, and responses have been received from several owners. Several properties have vehicles stuck in the snow and it was recognized that these cannot be moved until the snow melts, but they are expected to be moved as soon as feasible. Jeanne Thomas’ name will be listed in the directory as the BTPOA Covenant POC, and process will be documented and posted on the website. Names of two additional volunteers from Bent Tree were provided by BOD members and will be contacted by one of the current CCC members to get involved.
c) ENGINEERING -BOD Liaison John Heiser: No update.
d) FOREST MANAGEMENT – BOD Liaison was TBD, and Tom Hilfers volunteered. Motion was made by John Heiser and seconded by Debbi Maser and unanimously approved for Tom to assume this role.
e) NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH – BOD Liaison TBD: No update.
f) BTPOA COMMUNICATIONS - BOD Liaison Debbi Maser: Debbi and Steve Fuhrmann provided status that Bent Tree Log with Budget Meeting Notice and request for directory updates had been sent. Steve Fuhrmann had received many updates as well as several owners paid for classified ads to be included. Lengthy discussion on the format of the directory, whether to include non-Bent Tree numbers (e.g., local schools, police, fire, etc.) and BOD decided not to include extraneous information but to limit content specific to Bent Tree. Plan is for Steve to incorporate all changes he has received and print the directory around the end of February. Also answered questions Steve had regarding information to be posted on the website.
g) WATER AUGMENTATION – BOD Liaison John Heiser: No update.
h) WELCOMING – BOD Liaison John Heiser: Committee members have been active in welcoming all known new residents to Bent Tree.
6) Review action items from minutes of previous board meetings:
a) September 14th, and 17th, 2006, Action Items:
i. BOD liaisons (listed below) to contact committee volunteers, select a committee chairperson for each committee, and define and document the process that would be implemented by the committee. Specific action for the CCC to review pending CCC violation letters and send out notices to violators. Completed. CCC members met with and defined process with Red Oak, who has already started tours and sent letters for violations.
b) October 9th, 2006 Action Items:
i. Debbi Maser to replace Kathy Decker as the Bent Tree “registered agent.” February 12th meeting comments: Pending (John will provide Debbi the info again).
ii. Board members to develop a list of changes needed to the Rules and Regulations and circulate proposed changes to board members at least a week before the next meeting. February 12th meeting comments: Deferred to March meeting.
c) November 13th, 2006 Action Items:
i. Audit of the BTPOA financial books. Postponed.
ii. Duane Fitch to work with BOD to determine that specific measurements of each lot be obtained to ensure that no more than 2000 sq ft turf or garden at 1.5 sq-ft per acre are irrigated. In process.
iii. Duane Fitch to work with BOD to clarify and document that the intended definition of “pool” is any body of water that is replenished in some way, and to monitor this. In process.
iv. Duane Fitch to work with BOD to ensure that water meters are externally accessible and the owners who do not currently have these will be notified that they need to correct this at their expense. In process.
v. Duane Fitch to work with BOD to send notification to the 15 lots who are over their allotted water usage and require a corrective action plan to be defined, documented and approved. Duane Fitch to work with BOD to establish process to monitor water usage improvement, and to implement more frequent meter readings than the annual schedule currently in place is required. In process.
d) December 18th, 2006 Action Items:
i. Debbi Maser to coordinate with John and/or Duane to get added to the BTPOA Wells Fargo bank accounts. Completed.
e) January 15th, 2007 Action Items:
i. Debbi Maser to refund $450 builders deposit to Lot 252. Completed.
ii. John Heiser to make arrangements for refreshments for Budget Meeting and to update the budget information for the mailing to the property owners with the Newsletter. Completed.
iii. Debbi Maser to send second notices to all lots that have not yet paid their 2007 dues. Completed – Status provided in 3A Treasurer’s Report.
7) R&R recommended changes: Deferred to the March BOD Meeting.
8) Future Board Meeting Schedule. Next BOD meeting is scheduled for March 12th, 2007, at 7:00pm, at the Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument.
9) Any other business: None
10) Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda: None
11) Summary of action items:
a) Various actions assigned as detailed in 4B for preparation for Annual Budget Meeting.
b) Tom Hilfers to contact John Stahl for status on Beautification and Trails Committee.
c) CCC to document process for revisions to the R&R’s, and to provide email addresses for contacting Red Oak and/or CCC members for Steve to post on the website.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Minutes prepared by Debbi Maser, BTPOA Secretary / Treasurer, 2/23/07
Approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting, 3/12/07