Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

January 15th, 2007

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument



Attendees:  Board Members:  John Heiser, Tom Hilfers and Debbi Maser

Others:  Jim Maser


Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with John Heiser presiding.

1)        Review and approval of minutes of the December 18th, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting Draft Minutes

a)      Motion was made by John Heiser to approve the minutes with minor edits.  Motion was seconded by Tom Hilfers and unanimously approved.

2)        ACC Report

a)      Lot 252 has completed construction and is entitled to refund of $450.  Action for Debbi Maser to write and send check to owners.

3)        BOD Preparation for Annual Budget Meeting

a)      Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 15th, 2007 at the Woodmoor Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Dr.  2006 expenses and anticipated expenses for 2007 will be presented. 

b)      Current budget reflects a deficit, and there was lengthy discussion and decision was made to present to the owners a recommended increase in the annual dues from $72 / year to $120 / year ($10/mo). 

c)      John Heiser took the action to make arrangements for refreshments at the Budget Meeting, and to update the budget information for the mailing to the property owners with the Newsletter.

4)        Treasurer’s Report

a)      Status of mailings for annual dues:  Debbi has been tracking who has paid when, and was assigned action to send second notices to all lots that have not yet paid.

b)      Status of payment of fine imposed on lot for bon fire:  If fine is not received within 30 days after notice, R&Rs cite 1.5% interest penalty per month.  If payment is not received within 30 days, action for Debbi Maser to send second letter with penalty notice.

c)      Payment of bills:  Discussion regarding charges on statement from Lebel.  Motion made by John Heiser and seconded by Tom Hilfers and unanimously approved to pay the bill as received.

5)        Committee Reports

a)      BEAUTIFICATION AND TRAILS - BOD Liaison Tom Hilfers:  No report due to inclement weather.

b)      COVENANT COMPLIANCE -BOD Liaison Duane Fitch:  John Heiser provided contract terms from Red Oaks to provide Bent Tree Covenant Compliance, which were reviewed, and after discussion, minor changes incorporated.  Motion made by John Heiser for CCC to set up meeting with Red Oaks.  Motion was seconded by Debbi Maser and unanimously approved.

c)      ENGINEERING -BOD Liaison John Heiser:  No update.

d)      FOREST MANAGEMENT - Tom Hilfers volunteered to be the BOD liaison for this committee: No update.

e)      NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH – BOD Liaison TBD: No update.

f)       BTPOA COMMUNICATIONS - BOD Liaison Debbi Maser:  Debbi provided recommended privacy statement from Steve Fuhrmann regarding information that is maintained or published by Bent Tree, which was approved to post on the website.  Newsletter is at TriLakes Printing for mailing next week.  Decision was made to include notice of Annual Budget Meeting and Directory update requests in same mailing to save costs.

g)      WATER AUGMENTATION – BOD Liaison John Heiser:  No update.

h)      WELCOMING – BOD Liaison John Heiser:  Presented proposed budget from the Welcoming Committee for 2007 for inclusion in the materials for the Annual Budget Meeting.

6)        Review action items from minutes of previous board meetings:

a)      September 14th, and 17th, 2006, Action Items:

                                                  i.      BOD liaisons (listed below) to contact committee volunteers, select a committee chairperson for each committee, and define and document the process that would be implemented by the committee. Specific action for the CCC to review pending CCC violation letters and send out notices to violators.  January 15th meeting comments:  Pending meeting of CCC volunteers with Red Oak.

b)      October 9th, 2006 Action Items:

                                                  i.      Debbi Maser to replace Kathy Decker as the Bent Tree “registered agent.”  January 15th meeting comments:  Pending.

                                                ii.      Board members to develop a list of changes needed to the Rules and Regulations and circulate proposed changes to board members at least a week before the next meeting. January 15th meeting comments:  Deferred to February meeting.

c)      November 13th, 2006 Action Items:

                                                  i.      Audit of the BTPOA financial books.  Postponed.

                                                ii.      Transfer funds into a shorter period CD account to take advantage of higher rates vs. renewing the CD that is reaching maturity for a year at a lower rate.  Completed.

                                              iii.      Debbi Maser to put together a draft Bent Tree Log for BOD review and solicit input from others in Bent Tree.  Completed; Newsletter with TriLakes Printing and will be mailed when Budget Meeting and Directory Update notices are completed.

                                              iv.      Duane Fitch to work with BOD to determine that specific measurements of each lot be obtained to ensure that no more than 2000 sq ft turf or garden at 1.5 sq-ft per acre are irrigated.  In process.

                                                v.      Duane Fitch to work with BOD to clarify and document that the intended definition of “pool” is any body of water that is replenished in some way, and to monitor this.  In process.

                                              vi.      Duane Fitch to work with BOD to ensure that water meters are externally accessible and the owners who do not currently have these will be notified that they need to correct this at their expense.  In process.

                                            vii.      Duane Fitch to work with BOD to send notification to the 15 lots who are over their allotted water usage and require a corrective action plan to be defined, documented and approved.  Duane Fitch to work with BOD to establish process to monitor water usage improvement, and to implement more frequent meter readings than the annual schedule currently in place is required.  In process.

d)      December 18th, 2006 Action Items:

                                                  i.      Debbi Maser to send written notification of hearing notice to Lot 2 owners.  Completed / sent certified letter.

                                                ii.      Debbi Maser to coordinate with John and/or Duane to get added to the BTPOA Wells Fargo bank accounts.  Pending / Will meet with John at the bank this week

                                              iii.      John Heiser to contact Red Oak to establish contract for Bent Tree covenant compliance.  Completed; meeting will be scheduled for CCC volunteers to meet with Red Oak to define requirements.

7)        R&R recommended changes:  Deferred to the February BOD Meeting.

8)        Future Board Meeting Schedule.  Next BOD meeting is scheduled for February 12th, 2007, at 7:00pm, at the Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument.

9)        Any other business

10)    Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda

11)    Summary of action items:

a)      Action for Debbi Maser to refund $450 to Lot 252.

b)      Action for John Heiser to make arrangements for refreshments at the Budget Meeting, and to update the budget information for the mailing to the property owners with the Newsletter.

c)      Action for Debbi Maser to send second notices to all lots that have not yet paid their 2007 dues.

d)      If fine for bonfire is not received within 30 days, action for Debbi Maser to send second letter with penalty notice.

e)      Action for Debbi Maser to include notice of Annual Budget Meeting and Directory update requests in same mailing to save costs.



Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Minutes prepared by Debbi Maser, BTPOA Secretary / Treasurer, 2/6/07

Approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting, 2/12/07