Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 14th and 17th, 2006
Attendees: Board Members: Gail Bates, Duane Fitch, John Heiser, and Debbi Maser,
Others: None
Meeting was called to order at 9:45pm, September 14th, 2006
1) The newly-elected BOD members present (Gail Bates, Duane Fitch, John Heiser, and Debbi Maser) agreed that future BOD meetings would be held at the Monument Sanitation District board room, 130 2nd St., Monument, and would be scheduled at regular times once a month.
2) At 10:00pm, Duane Fitch made a motion to continue this BOD meeting on Sunday, September 17th, at 4:00pm at Jim and Debbi Maser’s home. Motion was seconded by Gail Bates. All votes were in favor.
Meeting was reconvened at 4:00pm, Sunday, September 17th, 2006
Attendees: Board Members: Gail Bates, Duane Fitch, John Heiser, Debbi Maser, and Bill McDonnell
Others: Bruce Bates, Jim Maser, Linda McDonnell
3) John Heiser presided until the elections were completed, after which Duane Fitch presided.
a) Approval of Agenda: A draft agenda was provided, revisions were made, and Debbi Maser made a motion to approve the revised agenda. Motion was seconded by Bill McDonnell. All votes were in favor.
b) Election of Officers: A motion was made by Bill McDonnell for election of BOD Officers as listed below. Motion was seconded by Gail Bates. All votes were in favor.
(1) President: Duane Fitch
(2) Vice President: John Heiser
(a) Decision that since most realtors already have John’s contact information, he would continue to provide HOA information upon real estate agent requests, and provide copies to the BOD Secretary. BTPOA currently does not charge for this; John Heiser made a motion that BTPOA will charge $50 for this. Motion was seconded by Debbi Maser. All votes were in favor.
(3) Treasurer: Bill McDonnell
(a) Additional discussion regarding logistics of transferring BTPOA financial records and account access to Bill. Currently, John Heiser and Kathy Decker are on file to have access to the Bent Tree accounts at Wells Fargo, as are others who are no longer associated with Bent Tree. It was agreed that John should retain his access until the books are officially transferred to Bill, and that Bill should be added so that, as the current BOD Treasurer, he can sign checks as approved by the BOD. All other names should be deleted. There are no records of an official audit of the Bent Tree accounts, and before transferring ownership of the accounts to Bill, a motion was made by Duane Fitch that an insured CPA audit the BTPOA financial books. Motion was seconded by Gail Bates. All votes were in favor. Bill agreed to obtain bids from CPA firms for conducting the audit. Until the audit is completed, Bill will circulate all proposed expenditures by e-mail to the BOD for concurrence prior to checks being issued.
(4) Secretary: Debbi Maser
(a) Discussion re. access to the Bent Tree P.O. Boxes. Bent Tree currently has two P.O. Boxes, and it was decided that Bent Tree didn’t need to maintain two, so only P.O. Box 2631 will be maintained, and Debbi will have access to it. Motion was made by Duane Fitch that Debbi Maser would pick up the mail from the P.O. Box and then would be able to keep records of what came in and distribute appropriately. Motion was seconded by Gail Bates. All votes were in favor.
ii) Future Board Meeting Schedule: Future BOD meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00pm, at the Monument Sanitation District board room, 130 2nd St., Monument.
iii) BTPOA Committees: Discussion to determine BOD liaisons for each committee and action plan to re-energize the committees. The BOD liaisons will contact these volunteers, select a committee chairperson for each committee, and define and document the process that would be implemented by the committee. The responsibilities of the BOD liaison will be to meet regularly with the volunteers, keep track of committee activities, events and actions, and report to the BOD. John Heiser cited specific action for the CCC to review pending CCC violation letters and send out notices to violators.
The following lists the committees, the BOD Liaison, and the residents who have volunteered to participate in the committees.
1. Dana Hallenbach
2. Linda McDonnell
3. John Stahl
4. Al Thaut
1. Helen Fichtel (May to November only)
2. Steve Bassett Jr.
3. Steve Bassett III
4. Barry Wyttenbach
5. Patrick Quinlan
6. Bruce Bates
7. Jim Maser
ENGINEERING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser
1. Jerry Lopez *
FOREST MANAGEMENT: BOD Liaison – Bill McDonnell
1. John Anderson *
2. David Hollenbach
3. Mike Woodley
3. Mark Wester
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: BOD Liaison – Bill McDonnell
1. Patrice Stevens
2. Deanna Hartman
1. Jerry Lopez *
WELCOMING: BOD Liaison – John Heiser
1. Bob Hosteller *
2. Deanne McCullaugh
3. Barbara Hughes
* Indicates that the person didn’t sign up on the roster, but the BOD identified these people as current POCs / volunteers!
A motion was made by Debbi Maser to approve the BOD liaisons and committee members identified above. Motion was seconded by John Heiser. All votes were in favor.
iv) Discussion regarding email to Dean Hawk. It was agreed that there were two separate issues: (1) The email sent to Dean Hawk was from an individual, it was not from the BOD, nor was it sanctioned by the BOD, and (2) there have been multiple, confirmed covenant complaints regarding noise, nuisance, trespassing, posting signs and conducting business from his home that need to be addressed by the CCC. John Heiser made a motion that Duane write a letter to Dean Hawk in response to his request and reiterate that the email he received was not a BOD action and recommend he pursue resolution with the individual who sent the email. Motion was seconded by Debbi Maser. Duane Fitch, John Heiser, Debbi Maser, and Bill McDonnell voted in favor of this action. Gail Bates abstained.
c) Other Business:
i) Bruce Bates asked for clarification regarding the ACC’s authority to contact the BTPOA lawyer. It was agreed that the ACC can contact the lawyer, but the BOD requested prior notification. Bruce then notified the BOD of pending ACC activities that require legal review.
ii) Discussion re. Debbi Maser was identified as the Bent Tree “registered agent” replacing Kathy Decker. Bent Tree is currently in good standing with the State of Colorado. John Heiser noted that the change can be made on the Colorado Secretary of State’s web site.
iii) Duane (and the rest of the BOD) expressed their appreciation of John Heiser’s five years as President of the BTPOA, for the breadth and depth of knowledge he’s brought to the BOD and the BTPOA, and in advance for his future support!
d) Resident Remarks (if any): None
e) Summary of Action Items:
(a) Bill McDonnell should be added to Wells Fargo accounts.
(b) All other names should be deleted.
(c) Bill McDonnell to obtain bids from CPA firms for contacting an insured CPA to audit the BTPOA financial books.
(d) BOD liaisons to contact committee volunteers, select a committee chairperson for each committee, and define and document the process that would be implemented by the committee. The responsibilities of the BOD liaison will be to meet regularly with the volunteers, keep track of committee activities, events and actions, and report to the BOD. John Heiser cited specific action for the CCC to review pending CCC violation letters and send out notices to violators.
(e) Duane to write a letter to Dean Hawk.
(f) Debbi Maser to replace Kathy Decker as the Bent Tree “registered agent.”
f) Motion was made by Debbi Maser to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Bill McDonnell. All votes were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm.
Minutes prepared by Debbi Maser, BTPOA Secretary, 10/2/06
Approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting 10/9/06