Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Friday, July 7th, 2006
Monument Branch Library
Attendees: Board Members: John Heiser, Gail Bates, Debbi Maser, Duane Fitch and Kathy Decker.
Others: Resident Chuck Loeffler joined at 6:50pm.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. Kathy Decker arrived at 6:50pm, and Duane Fitch arrived at 6:55pm. Kathy Decker, Duane Fitch and Chuck Loeffler left at 9:00pm.
1) Resident remarks, if any:
a) None
2) Review and revise minutes of June 9th Board Meeting:
a) No comments or corrections were noted for the minutes.
b) A motion was made by Gail Bates to approve the minutes. Motion was seconded by Debbi Maser, and approved by Gail Bates, Debbi Maser, and John Heiser.
3) Review action items from the June 9th Board Meeting:
a) John Anderson
i. Obtain legal counsel to determine legal implications and requirements to proceed with steps needed to remove diseased trees on non-responsive property. Authorized to spend up to $300 per tree to remove diseased trees, and that owners would be invoiced for all costs (for tree removal and any legal expenses). Report status and resolution to the BOD at the next BOD Meeting. John was not present, but Kathy Decker summarized that the letter went out to the owner of record with a 30-day suspense.
b) Kathy Decker
Arrange for refreshments for the September Annual
Meeting. Deferred.
Conduct a resident review of the books. Not completed; deferred till next meeting.
c) John Heiser
Obtain information from property management
companies regarding managing Bent Tree and the attendant costs. Not
completed; deferred till next meeting.
Form a committee and work with them to prepare
proposed changes to the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations for compliance with
SB05-100. Not completed; deferred till next meeting.
iii. Include an Annual Meeting agenda item to confirm board member appointments and to set their terms. In process.
iv. Write a letter to homeowner stating that the use of the directory was inappropriate. Letter prepared by John Heiser. Motion made by Debbi Maser to approve letter as written with action for John Heiser to mail to resident. Motion seconded by Gail Bates, and approved by Debbi Maser, Gail Bates, Duane Fitch and Kathy Decker; abstained by John Heiser. Additional discussion regarding SB requirements limiting use of HOA information, resulting in decision to post notice on the Bent Tree website and in the next edition of the Bent Tree directory regarding privacy and limitations of usage of information available on the website or in the directory.
v. Provide Beautification and Trails Committee member list to BOD Secretary. Pending.
d) Jerry Lopez
Contact the owners of the 12 lots with excessive
water use to see what can be done to correct the situation. No status.
Obtain a second bid for a community-wide well
survey. No status.
e) Debbi Maser
Prepare the next issue of the Bent Tree Log.
Include approved minutes of 2005 Annual Meeting and the 2006 Budget Meeting and
articles by Jerry Lopez on water consumption and John Anderson on forest
maintenance. Pending.
Mail letters to all residents as quickly as
possible based on updates to the forestry article published in a previous
edition of the Bent Tree Log which would be provided by John
Anderson. Completed.
4) Committee status, if any
a) Architectural Control Committee: Bruce Bates, Chair of ACC, summarized status of ACC activities citing one owner was notified of a non-compliant structure which was pending resolution with the ACC and the owner.
b) Beautification and Trails Committee: Gail Bates made a motion to solicit proposals for entrance and maintenance of beautification and landscaping of entrances to Bent Tree. Gail volunteered to define requirements, solicit and evaluate proposals, and report back to the BOD at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Debbi Maser, and approved by Gail Bates, Debbi Maser, and John Heiser.
c) Covenant
Compliance Committee (CCC): Discussion
regarding committee status and membership.
Action assigned to Gail Bates, CCC Chairperson, to solicit additional
members for the CCC, such that the CCC would be comprised of an odd number of
members. Gail provided status that two
letters had been sent to owners notifying them of non-compliance of specific
covenants. Discussion regarding
distinction between covenants and the BTPOA Rules and Regulations
(R&R’s). BOD acknowledgement that
the R&R’s do not provide absolute clarity and may be ambiguous. Action
assigned to BOD members to review the R&R’s for further discussion to
determine what changes should be made to clarify the R&R’s. Additional discussion regarding covenant
enforcement process and fine structure as required by SB-100 and SB-89 included
in Item #5 on the agenda.
d) Directory: No status
e) Engineering Committee: No status
f) Forestry Committee: No status
g) Neighborhood Watch/Security Committee: No status
h) Newsletter: No status
i) SB05-100 Compliance Committee: In process
j) Water Augmentation: No status
k) Web Site: In process
l) Welcoming Committee: No status
5) Covenant Enforcement: Procedure and Proposed schedule of fines:
a) Draft letter to all BTPOA residents/owners to communicate SB-100 and SB-89 requirements and request for all residents to ensure they comply with the BTPOA covenants was presented. Motion made by Duane Fitch to approve the letter with one edit for John Heiser’s signature and send to all residents. Motion was seconded by Gail Bates, and approved by Duane Fitch (in absentia, as he left right after review of letter), Gail Bates, Debbi Maser and John Heiser.
b) Draft Enforcement of Covenants procedure revised by John Heiser was reviewed. Minor changes were noted in various sections. Motion was made by Debbi Maser to approve the document with the noted changes. Motion was seconded by Gail Bates, and approved by Debbi Maser, Gail Bates and John Heiser.
c) Draft Schedule of Fines revised by John Heiser was reviewed. Changes were made to simplify the descriptions of common violations and fine structure (not utilizing the Woodmoor model of first/second/third tier fine structure). Motion was made by Debbi Maser to approve the proposed descriptions and fine structure with the identified edits. Motion was seconded by Gail Bates and approved by Debbi Maser, Gail Bates and John Heiser.
6) Plans for publication of the Bent Tree Log.
a) Action assigned to Debbi Maser for Bent Tree Log to be published by mid-August.
7) Annual Meeting Plans
a) Letter to be mailed to all BTPOA members at least 15 days prior to the Annual Property Owners Meeting, which is scheduled for September 14th at the Woodmoor Barn.
8) Future Board Meeting Schedule
a) Next BOD Meeting scheduled for August 11th at the Tri-Lakes Fire Station.
9) Any other business or resident remarks, if any
a) Gail Bates requested and was approved for reimbursement for the Fire Hazard signs posted prior to July 4th.
b) Discussion and decision that Financial Status Reports, to include copies of bank statements and summary of income / expenses since the previous report would be standing item on the BOD meeting agenda, and would be provided by the BOD Treasurer at each BOD meetings.
10) Summarize Action Items:
a) John Heiser to mail letter regarding use of Bent Tree directory information to one resident.
b) Action assigned to Gail Bates, CCC Chairperson, to solicit additional members for the CCC, such that the CCC would be comprised of an odd number of members.
c) Action assigned to BOD members to review the R&R’s for further discussion to determine what changes should be made to clarify the R&R’s.
d) Action assigned to Debbi Maser for Bent Tree Log to be published by mid-August.
e) Action for letter to be mailed to all BTPOA members at least 15 days prior to the Annual Property Owners Meeting, which is scheduled for September 14th at the Woodmoor Barn.
11) Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 10:30pm.
Minutes prepared by Debbi
Maser, BTPOA Secretary, 7/28/06
Approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting,