Bent Tree Property Owners Association (BTPOA)

Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Monument Town Hall

166 2nd Street, Monument, CO 80132



1.      Attendees: Directors: John Heiser, Kathy Decker, Jerry Wagner. John Heiser called the meeting to order.


2.      Committee Sign-Up Sheets: Jerry Wagner, BTPOA Secretary, will retain the Committee Sign-Up Sheets from the budget meeting. For the record, the individuals volunteering include:


· Beautification and Trails Committee: Bruce Bates (488-9957)

· Covenant Compliance Committee: Bruce Bates (488-9957)


3.      Minutes of January 9th BOD meeting: John Heiser moved, Kathy Decker seconded and the minutes of January 9th BOD meeting were unanimously approved.


4.      Review of January 9th Action Items:


a)    John Heiser

1)    Prepare and mail notice of Annual Budget Meeting - done

2)    Review and clarify Forestry committee’s proposed notice/compliance letter, regarding pest infestation mitigation for Board’s approval - pending

b)    Jerry Wagner

1)    Get out next issue of the BT LOG to include minutes of Annual Meeting, Board activities, notice of Budget Meeting, Board/Committee information…- done

c)    Kathy Decker

1)    Secure location for the Annual Budget Meeting - done

2)    Contact Steve Fuhrmann for labels for the Budget Meeting Notice mailing - done

3)    Review/update Association’s financial reports - done


5.      Budget Adjustments, if any: Not applicable – proposed budget was approved as submitted.


6.      Committee Liaison Assignments:


a.       Covenant Compliance Committee – Gail Bates

b.      Forestry Committee – John Heiser

c.       Welcoming Committee – John Heiser


7.      Review/Adopt Forestry Letter: Jerry moved, Kathy seconded and adoption of the Forestry letter was approved.


8.      Next Board meeting: Will be held April 10, at 2:00pm, at Kathy Decker’s home, 17765 Merryhill Court.


9.      Summarize Action Items:


a)      John Heiser

1)    From the budget meeting, research and ascertain that Association’s insurance coverage includes the ACC and other committees

2)    Contact the ACC to get written response addressing approval/process of Lot #5’s structure construction

b)      Jerry Wagner

1.      Contact  Bill Uhde (owner Lot #5) regarding plans submitted to various agencies with what approvals

c)      Kathy Decker

1)    Check with Regional Building: what did Lot #5 submit requests for and what permits were approved


10.  Other Business: There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.



Minutes Prepared by Jerry Wagner, Secretary, BTPOA, February 28, 2005.