Bent Tree Property Owners Association (BTPOA)
Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Monument Town Hall
166 2nd Street, Monument, CO 80132
1. Attendees: Directors: John Heiser, Corinne Warren, Jerry Wagner and newly elected Kathy Decker and Tim McLaughlin. John Heiser called the meeting to order.
2. Committee Sign-Up Sheets: Jerry Wagner, BTPOA Secretary, will retain the Committee Sign-Up Sheets from the annual election. For the record, the individuals volunteering include:
· Beautification and Trails Committee: Robert Jackson (481-6219) and Lillie Saunders
· Covenant Compliance Committee: Gail Bates (488-9957), Hank Kilgore (481-1154) and Claude Todaro
· Forest Management Committee: Gerald Neufeld and John McCullough
· Newsletter/Directory Committee: Jerry Neufeld
· Welcoming Committee: Elizabeth Bryson (481-6306), Jane King (481-6492) and Lillie Saunders
3. Minutes of July 18th BOD meeting: After review, Item 6 was amended to read “…to interview candidates, with preference shown for James Duve, and so indicate…”. The minutes of July 18th BOD meeting were so motioned, seconded and unanimously approved.
4. Action Items of July 18th BOD meeting:
a) John Heiser
· Select and retain attorney, for the BTPOA, and get determination on validity/legality of the covenant compliance letters sent out by the CCC – DONE
· Research prior BOD meeting minutes (Jerry’s records lost due to “lost computer data”) to see if the Board has approved CCC’s “Procedures for Enforcement of the Protective Covenants” previously submitted by Chuck Loeffler – SUPERCEDED BY ‘RULES & REGULATIONS’ to be announced January 2005
· Send out official notice for the Annual meeting – DONE
b) Jerry Wagner
· Include minutes of Budget meeting, notice of Annual meeting/agenda, plea for BOD & ACC candidates and advertise annual meeting door prizes with the next issue of the BT LOG – DONE
· Secure location to hold Annual meeting – DONE
c) Corinne Warren
· Check with El Paso County on what assistance would be available from the County in dealing with tree infestations – PENDING
· Identify candidates for the two board positions up for election at the September Annual Meeting – TRIED – NO SUCCESS
· Finalize door prizes at the Annual meeting – DONE
5. Officer Elections. John Heiser was re-elected president of the board, Corrine Warren was elected as vice-president, Kathy Decker was elected treasurer and Jerry Wagner re-elected secretary by unanimous consensus.
6. Retained funds of the BTPOA’s Balance Sheet: In deference to “CIOWA 38-33.3-314: Surplus Funds”, Tim motioned, Kathy seconded and it was unanimously approved to adopt resolution that the BTPOA’s “retained earnings” are “reasonable”.
7. Duve Covenant Enforcement Letter: After legal review, the covenant compliance letters sent out by the CCC were reviewed by the Board. Kathy moved, Tim seconded and issuance was approved.
8. Review Forestry Letter: Review was postponed for further review/action; deferred to the next BOD meeting.
9. Set Board meetings: Future Board meetings were set for the 2nd Sunday of the first month of each quarter January 9, April 10, and July 10, at 2:00pm, and following the Annual meeting September 17; and/or as needed, for issues that arise. The Budget meeting date is set for the 1st Saturday after Feb. 15, 2005. January 9th’s Board meeting will be held at Kathy Decker’s home at 17765 Merryhill Court.
10. Other Business: There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes Prepared by Jerry Wagner, Secretary, BTPOA, September 20, 2003.